Saturday, August 31, 2024

Friday, August 30, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4:30, finally waking/getting up when Teresa woke me at 7:30. Last night I tried something different. Usually I take one of my allergy pills at 9pm and another with my sleeping pill at 9:30. Last night I didn’t take the 9pm allergy pill but took it when I got up to use the restroom at 4:30. I’ll probably try that again.

I completed my (10# less) routine in Smartfit then had a latte in Los Portenos. I left at 11am and bought 2 bags of milk in Ara on my way back to the apt.

Teresa called to inform me she’ll be tied up at the beauty shop getting her hair done so I should have lunch on my own.

I left the apt at 1:30 and paid 20mil for an InDrive ride to Philly Steaks in Poblado. 

Carmen stopped at my table and asked how my brother is doing. I replied, “fine, and he’ll probably visit here again next February.” I ordered a smash burger and he convinced me to try their new French fries which were pretty good. The total, with Coke and tip, came to a little less than 90mil.

I walked uphill (my cardio appears to be shot) to the block before Hotel Diez but the DirecTV office is no longer there. I went to Pergamino #2 but it was so crowded I decided not to stay.

I took an InDrive car to Viva Envigado for another 20mil. I bought a large carton of eggs in Exito; they’ve reorganized more aisles and I had to ask where they moved the eggs – they’re no longer in the 2nd aisle, they’re closer to the middle of the store. 

I then had a latte in Urbania. Teresa called that she was still at the beauty shop.

At 4pm I returned to the apt by taxi.

I found 18 of the 21 Stonewall Dutch games from the video course in my ChessBase 16 Mega database 2000. The remaining 3 I had to recreate myself. I had the computer analyze them all and copied them as pdf print files to my USB drive. Tomorrow I’ll print them in Auros.

I checkmated Mekael965 in 20 moves increasing my rating to 1589.

Teresa returned a few minutes later with Kelly who gave her a massage.

I watched a couple more lessons in my Noel Studer chess course.



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