Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 9:45, got up once at 1am, finally waking at 6am and getting up at 6:15.

Well, that was earlier than expected. I texted Jose I’m up earlier than usual but I’m not aiming to get there at 8am but if I get there earlier than 9am I’ll have a latte until he arrives.

I tried signing up for HBO Max - Monthly Standard for 24,900 pesos a month but it wouldn’t accept my USAA debit card. I texted Glenn for advice. He said I’ll need to set up a VPN first. We’re going to meet for breakfast tomorrow so he can help me. I soon had another idea: Teresa has a savings account with a debit card but I’ll need to put some cash in it first.

I met Jose at Parmessano in Unicentro mall at 8:15. I had the French toast with a latte and he had an egg casserole and a double Americano. The total came to about 30mil each.

We moved to the food court where we went through my nine games. (My final record was 4 wins and 5 losses.) We finished by 11:15 and we’ll probably meet for chess next Tuesday.

I took a Didi to Viva Envigado and the driver spoke English because he lived in Australia for 9 months. He asked me what music group I liked from the 60s and I said, “The Association”. He keyed something on his cellphone and soon I heard “Never My Love, “Windy”, and “Cherish”. Probably because we were talking, he missed the exit for Envigado and it took another 10 minutes of back streets to drop me off at Viva Envigado.

I had chicken teriyaki and a limonada de coco in Sarku’s for 33,800 pesos, tip included.

In Claro I paid this month’s cellphone bills and made a 2,000,000-peso withdrawal form an ATM.

I bought another container of Cetaphil hydrating cream for 105,000 pesos in Linea Estetica. Hopefully, this will be my last as it’s almost a year since we returned from Europe and my skin problem started.

I went downstairs to Urbania where I had a latte while starting my new book Simple Chess.

Teresa called and asked me to meet her at 4pm in Perinto’s café. I left at 3:30 and paid the epm utility bill in Exito Wow then walked across the street to the café. Teresa and MT each had a yucca waffle and lattes plus a latte for me and the total came to 82,500 pesos.

We walked abuela the 2 blocks to her apt and it started raining lightly. Teresa walked her up to her apt while I ordered a Didi to return us to our apt.




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