Saturday, September 7, 2024

Friday, September 6, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

Teresa was going to go to an 8am gym class but I guess she talked to someone and it wasn’t what she wanted so she didn’t go.

I left the apt at 8:30 and completed my routine in Smartfit without incident. I had a latte in Los Portenos before returning to the apt at 10:45.

Teresa’s having some problem with her cellphone. Some of her apps (eg, Youtube and Whatsapp) are dimmed.

Google says that means they are disabled. I have no idea how she would have disabled them nor do I know how to reenable them. We asked Laura but she couldn’t figure it out either and suggested Teresa go to Exito and see if one of a salesman can help.

I won an easy game against StefCHOBIN rated 938 and I guess there was too much of a rating difference because I didn’t receive any points.

Teresa believes she will have a massage from Kelly this afternoon but she isn’t sure what time.

I left the apt at 2:30 and had a latte in Ganso y Castor. A beautiful day with lots of activity in the park including these two men playing Jenga.

The entrance to the restaurant Bastardo across the way is decked out with balloons the color of Colombia’s flag so I assume there must be an important soccer match tonight.

I left at 5pm and bought a small tres leches cake in O’Cake for 14 mil

On my way back to the apt I observed a number of TVs in restaurants showing Mexico vs Colombia but it was the women’s teams.

I watched the first half of the Packers vs Eagles, game with the former ahead 19-17 at halftime. Then it was time for my pre-sleep reading.

Teresa tells me we’re going to visit Esmeralda tomorrow who is recovering from her foot surgery and maybe Alejandro can help with Teresa’s cellphone problem.



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