Sunday, September 29, 2024

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 12:30, again at 4:30, couldn’t fall back asleep, got up at 5am and read until 5:30, went back to bed, finally waking/getting up at 7:30.

Happy Birthday bro!

Another cool morning.

At 9:15 I met Marcos outside Tostao but we moved down to Recatto, which I learned is open early but only on Saturdays.  He explained they didn’t make it to Marrakesh because Johana was turned away at the Spanish airport because she had a Venezuelan passport and they wouldn’t accept it. I paid him 120mil and he gave me a bag with 2 purses and 2 bars of nut candy for Teresa. He’s been having some hearing problems lately so he’ll probably be seeing an audio specialist. I brought him up to date with what’s happening locally. We walked to Viva Envigado where he went into Exito and I headed upstairs.

I made a 2,000,000-peso withdrawal then paid the apt rental in the bank. Thankfully there wasn’t a long line.

Outside Bancolombia there was no wait to use the consignacion machine where I paid for our gym membership and our health insurance. Downstairs in Urbania I had a latte and sent copies of receipts to Alcala and Natalia Holgun.

Teresa called and asked me to pick up 2 crema de leche, Alpina brand only in Exito. I did and returned to the apt by taxi.

I gave Teresa her gifts from Spain and she was very happy. 😊

Only 72 degrees at 2pm with a few raindrops. Teresa went for a nap and I followed her example and I slept from about 2:30 to 3:30.

I left and stopped at the Gana kiosk to pay the Direct TV bill. I didn’t understand what the lady was trying to tell me until I figured out I had to give her the exact amount as she couldn’t make change.

I had a latte in Ganso y Castor while starting to go through my Silman’s Endgame Course for the 2nd time.

Lots of people out enjoying the park, many eating gelato from Antonio’s across the street.

ONEIPAMETATO1453 resigned our game on the 54th move increasing my rating to 1568. I made plans with Glenn to meet tomorrow for breakfast.

I left at 5pm and bought a half liter of coconut gelato at Antionio’s before returning to the apt. Teresa didn’t seem happy to see the gelato, I guess she only wants me to buy it when she tells me to.

I watched a couple more episodes of Blue Bloods in the evening.




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