Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4:30, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

I left for the gym at 8:15 and completed my workout, today 5# less than the previous maximum. I’ll continue this for two weeks and if I have no issues then I’ll move up to my previous maximum.

I had a latte in Los Portenos where I met Bobby Hermsen from Jacksonville, FL originally from Nebraska. He’s thinking of moving here permanently. He asked me a number of questions about living here and we exchanged phone numbers.

I finally saw what all the construction was about across the path from the restaurant:

Not sure what the reason is, just an art piece? A prediction that the stock market is going to go up?

I see there's going to be another restaurant competition, this time pastries:

I stopped in Ara on the way back to the apt and picked up a few things Teresa requested.

Teresa informed me I have a package in the porteria.

One of my current games is against StefCHOBIN rated 936 from Australia.

On the 35th move I checked ONEIPAMETATO1453’s king and all he could do is delay checkmate by a couple moves so he resigned, increasing my rating to 1593.

I went down to the porteria and claimed my package. Inside was Teresa’s new umbrella (which fits inside her gym bag), my August Chess Life magazine and my new notebook:

I don’t think it’s going to be needed any time soon but I can start working on it now. (Maybe I should do it in pencil. 😊)

I left the apt at 1:30 and had a latte in Ganso & Castor while going through the first set of Dutch defense games I had printed.

I left at 5pm and bought a half liter of coconut gelato (as instructed) before returning to the apt.

My Amazon Firestick seemed to die as I couldn’t get power for it. I moved the power cord to another outlet and it worked fine. (Later I found there was nothing wrong with the outlet, I guess it just needed to be rebooted.)



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