Friday, September 27, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once near midnight, again at 6am, finally waking/getting up at 7:15.

I was all ready to go to the mall but instead I crashed back in bed for a while.

For lunch Teresa made Italian chicken breast that she said her mother taught her to make and a salad with strawberries, pecans, lettuce and carrot strips. Delicious!

We agreed we’d go see the movie at 5:30 if it wasn’t raining.

I left at 1:45 and took a Didi to the mall. I got out at the stoplight so I could take this photo:

Inside the mall I checked out the new section which I see is called Jardin Nomada:

and they list the following restaurants:

It looks like there’s room for a few more but I don’t know where they would put it unless they rip out some of the garden.

Downstairs I had a latte in Urbania. Teresa called me several times to tell me it’s pouring. We waited a bit but it never let up. I left at 5pm and there was a long line for a taxi. I bought a couple things in Exito then sat in Cine Colombia for a while waiting for the rain to stop. I asked one of the security guards about IKEA and he believes they will open in November. I finally left just before 6pm and got in line:

Still long but not as bad as before. The wait was about 30 minutes for a taxi to return me to the apt.

Teresa assumed I had gone to see the movie and maybe I should have.

Its been a year since we returned from our trip to Europe and I feel like my skin problem is almost over, having few lesions appearing few and far between.



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