Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wednesday, September 17, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got p once at 3:30, finally waking/getting up at 6am.

Because I forgot to move the frozen bagels to the refrigerator I had blueberry pancake for breakfast.

At 7:30 I went back to bed for an hour.

Teresa left at 9:30 for her gym class in Mayorca. I looked outside and didn’t see any cars outside Ara. Perfect! I grabbed a plastic bag and 10mil and went next door where I saw 2 cars in the parking lot. I grabbed 2 bags of milk and after a short line I paid for it and returned to the apt.

I see Sweden is playing Paraguay today. (Sweden eventually won 3-1 but Anna lost her game)

I left the apt for Envios Market where I paid 235,000 pesos ($56) to have MT’s Proof of Life form Fed-Ex’d to Social Security. Victoria explained it will be expressed to Miami where it continues on via USPS.

I went to Ganso y Castor where I took a seat overlooking the park and went through my cellphone. I won an interesting game against ONEIPAMETATO1453, firstly because he didn’t resign until the 84th move and secondly because I was up 5 pawns to none but we each had a queen and I had to find a way to keep him from forcing a draw by repetition.

I started with a latte but eventually ordered yogurt with fruit & Granola.

I left at 3:30 and returned to the apt.

Teressa returned at 6:30 and showed me her latest purse (above my toes, below the TV) that's now put together. Very pretty!

I told Teresa about how much I paid to send the letter to SS but MT didn’t need to repay me, consider it a benefit of having a gringo son-in-law. Teresa explained to me that her mother is tight with her money but she’ll make sure I’m paid back every peso. Okay.

I’m feeling much better today, I just need to improve my nourishment and get my strength back.



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