Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Monday, December 14th, 2015

I slept well only getting up once about 7:30, finally waking/getting up at 9am.

Teresa’s cigarette lighter ran out of fuel so she wasn’t able to light the stove burners until I reminded her of the Bunsen burner lighter.  She doesn’t like how it works but I think that’s just because she is afraid to turn the gas up high enough for it to catch.

Chucha isn’t here cutting the garden today so I understand we’re going to Envigado today to meet Laura for lunch and buy some things for her refrigerator.

We left the finca at 11:55.  As usual I walked up the hill first and while waiting for Teresa it started drizzling.  I walked back to the finca but Teresa didn’t want to bring the 2nd umbrella.  She pointed to the only patch of sky that wasn’t covered by clouds and declared that it is sunny.

Today 4 killer dogs came out, including 2 other smaller black dogs, but the large black dog appeared to chase them away.  I guess he doesn’t want to share the dog biscuits.  I gave each of them a dog biscuit and we continued on our way with our 2 dog escort following closely.

As usual Teresa was walking down the hill ahead of me as I saw a Fredonia bus go by.  When I looked up again I saw that it had stopped and Teresa wasn’t anywhere in sight.  I ran down the last 100 feet and joined her on the bus. We got off by Home Center in Envigado and walked to La Bahia restaurant.  I think Laura was supposed to join us but we didn’t wait and ordered their special of the day for 9mil each.  For a little less than $3 we each had a bowl of soup, small salad with peanuts on top, white rice, chicken chunks in some type of sauce, and a glass of fresh juice.

On television they had a news segment called “sí o no?” and I understand they were discussing whether the Colombian Peso would go as high as 4,000 per US Dollar.  I couldn’t hear what was being said and I probably wouldn’t understand it anyway.

While we were waiting for Laura, Teresa got the name and number of a house painter named Dario that was sitting at the next table.  When we left we ran into Laura a block away coming out of Wilson’s apartment building.  We went back to the restaurant where we waited for Laura to have lunch. 
I only have 100 pages left in my 611 page book.

After lunch we walked a few blocks up the hill to Exito where we bought some things for Laura’s apartment.  We walked to an eye doctor’s office called Ova (Optica Vision Alemana) at Calle 36 Sur #39-42 where Laura had an eye exam and then tried on some eyeglasses.  I saw a receipt that showed 55mil twice but I didn’t pay anything and Laura didn’t leave with any glasses.  Teresa went in next and I walked a block away where I added 50mil to my cell phone.  When Teresa came out she told me the doctor was surprised because her vision is perfect.  I paid 10mil for some eyedrops for her.

I told her I saw a pet store around the corner and we stopped in and they had 3 of the 4 different dog foods that the vet recommended.  We bought a small bag that will be only for Peluche.

We walked Laura down the hill to her apartment and then we went over to Exito.  We picked up a few things we needed including eggs, cheese, powdered milk and a new cigarette lighter.

We took a taxi to the highway and after a 5 minute wait were on a Coomotran (sp?) bus back to the finca.  As we started up the hill I found a cigarette lighter that still worked and I gave it to Teresa.

At the top of the hill we saw a small black dog in the meadow where Don Carlos used to keep his horse.  Teresa shooed it away and it went down to Guillermo’s house.  The killer dogs were in the path and I gave the usual 2 a dog biscuit each.  They were okay after that until we got about even with Guillermo’s house and the fenced dog started barking at us and then the 2 killer dogs got a little aggressive with us.  

We got back to the finca at 5:45.

We brought Peluche inside without the other dogs and he greedily ate 2 servings of the new dog food.

I started watching Barry Lyndon (8.1)

From 10-11pm we watched the season ending episode of Fargo.

I took 2 sleeping pills at 10:30 and went to bed at 11pm.

T-shirt of the day: Dark nights, bright lights.

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