Thursday, March 14, 2019

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

I woke up about 7:30 and my back didn’t feel weak at all.  Is it because I woke up on my side instead of my back?  My cold also seems to be gone from my nose but I’m sure it will come back later.  (It did.)

A gringo was looking for an apt for a month while he looked for a more permanent place.  After talking to Teresa I contacted him and offered him one of our bedroom for 1,000,000 a month.  He declined.

Alex contacted me; they want to meet with us today.  I suggested we meet here at 7pm and we’ll go to Otra Parte for dinner.

Laura texted me that she has next weekend off and she wants to visit my brother.  I informed her it would be a taxi to Detroit, a bus or train to Chicago, perhaps a taxi to a train station, a train to Cary, and a taxi to my brother’s apt.  She seems to think it will take about 4 hours but I think it would be more like 6-7 hours.

Teresa and I left the apt at 10am and arrived at Clinica Rosario at 10:30.  I had a café con leche at De Lolita and then we went up to the doctor’s office.  Doctor Hiller, the vascular surgeon, moved his office from Calle 7 in Poblado to Clinica Rosario nearer to El Tesoro.  He speaks, Spanish, English, and German.  He explained to me that a new government rule prevents me from going into the examination room with Teresa so I waited out in the waiting room.  It turns out that what Teresa thought was a lipoma is just her muscle.  I showed him mine on my thigh and he said it is a lipoma but I should just leave it alone.  Teresa did get some shots in veins in her calves.  The cost of the consultation/treatment was 200mil.

We took a taxi for minimum fare to El Tesoro.

Teresa found a skirt, blouse and leather purse for 309,800 pesos in Zara.

We had lunch in Cuzco Cocina Peruana.  I ordered Lomo Cuzco which was like 2 filets with mashed potatoes.  One filet was cooked perfectly (3/4) but the other was still red so I sent it back.  I ordered a mango juice and I try to avoid straws now because I understand they don’t biodegrade or can be recycled so they just end up in garbage dumps or the ocean.  I noticed that the package on mine said “pilillo de papel” so it was made of paper.  Wonderful!  So I used it but my juice tasted fishy and I ended up not drinking it anyway.  Teresa ordered Arroz de Coco and loved her food but when the bill came and she saw it cost 129,997 ($41) she said we could have lunch all month for that amount.  Lol.  I don’t think we’ll be coming back.

I noticed a tall gringo standing outside Crepes & Waffles that I had seen before so I went over and introduced myself.  He is about 6’ 4” tall, his name is Britt, he has a 7 year old son, is from Florida via Atlanta and has an apt over Federal Ribs in La Buena Mesa.  I’m pretty sure I’ll be running into him again.

Again I’m astounded that a mall as nice as El Tesoro doesn’t have toilet seats.

It’s obvious now that the construction outside isn’t stand alone, it’s either adding to El Tesoro or their medical center.

With no wait we took a taxi back to the apt.

At 6:30 we received a call from Alba.  I put Teresa on the phone and we learned that it was too late for tonight so they made plans to meet for lunch tomorrow.

The next problem is what should WE do for dinner tonight?  Teresa suggested we order wings from Go Wings.  She asked what we could have that’s new.  I suggested we order from Frisby as it’s been a long time since we ordered from them and it’s easiest.  She said it would take too long to be delivered.  We finally decided to go to Antica for pizza.

4,353 steps.

Joke of the day
Three old ladies were sitting at the dinner table discussing their problems with getting old. The first one said, "Sometimes I catch myself with a jar of mayonnaise in my hand, while standing in front of the refrigerator, and I can't remember whether I need to put it away, or start making a sandwich."
The second lady says, "Yes, sometimes I find myself on the landing of the stairs and can't remember whether I was on my way up or on my way down."
The third one says, "Well, ladies, I'm glad I don't have any of those problems, knock on wood." As she hit her knuckles on the table she looked up and said, "That must be the door... I'll get it!"

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