Friday, November 3, 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Last night I went to bed at 11:40, fell asleep quickly and didn’t wake up until 5am.  I fell back asleep, woke up at 7am and got up at 7:15.

I had breakfast at Carbon de Leña – beans, rice, scrambled eggs and an arepa with cheese.

I stopped at Gana and added 50mil to Teresa’s cellphone.  On the way back to the apt I bought 2 bags of milk from the corner store.

I watched the first hour of the Today show.  I hadn’t heard anything from Chuck so I guess I’ll be on my own.  (I did change my plans however.)  Closing the drapes I noticed a Metro Bus going by which means I’d have to walk down to the metro.  I locked up and stepped outside, looked down the street and saw another Metro bus heading my way.  I took it to the metro and got off at the Floresta station.  I walked the 4 blocks to The Town barbershop where I got a haircut in record time – 20 minutes.  I think he forgot to leave it long on top.  They do like to cut hair short here.  The barber told me his name was Luis.

I walked to El Viejo y El Pancake where I had an omelet with sausage and a mango juice.  I thanked the Mrs. (aka the waitress) for giving me the referral for the steakhouse El Chaparral.  She gave me another lead on a good burger (with onion rings) restaurant called La Pampa at Circular 4 & Carrera 74.  
Interestingly, I was going that anyway.  I asked her about Thanksgiving dinner and she said they would be doing it again this year (with more turkeys than last year) but a day or two before or after the actual holiday.  I understand I should look for details on Facebook.

I stopped briefly at SaludPan, a vegan restaurant, at Circular 4 #70-78 and noted the fresh bread they sell.  I walked an additional 4 blocks to La Pampa and saw burgers on their menu but I didn’t notice onion rings.  It’s at the end of Avenida Nutibara 4 blocks south of Calle 44 right by an Esso gas station.

I walked back to Calle 44 & Avenida 70 where I checked out a bicycle.  I rode back to Estacion Estadio and checked in the bike.

I took the metro to Estacion Poblado and took a metro bus up to Vizcaya mall.  I bought a general admission ticket to Jigsaw (6.2).  
I chatted with the ticket girl for a bit as she asked about some words in English.  She also complimented me on my white hair.  (I kiddingly told her I dye it monthly.)  My ticket was only 5mil ($1.70).  I bought a small popcorn and medium soda for 14,300 ($5).  I was the only one in the theater so I could have sat anywhere I wanted.  The movie was as gruesome as expected.

When I exited the movie theater I noticed the TelePerformance (telemarketing?) business is now taking up half the floor space on 2 floors.  Downstairs on the 2nd floor I saw a number of dress shops one of which is called Blanco (white) that advertises it rents dresses.  I guess this is where I’ll be coming with Teresa.

As soon as I stepped outside I found it was raining even though the sun was shining.  Luckily I had my portable umbrella with me so it didn’t delay my walk downhill.

At Envios Market I received 2 packages and an envelope.  One package was my Nook and the other was my new tech bag.  The envelope was from Experian informing me that “the address you provided has never been reported to us.  To assist you, we must verify your current mailing address.  Please provide the following:
·       One copy of a government issued identification card, such as a driver’s license, state ID card, etc. displaying your current address, and
·       One copy of a current utility bill, bank or insurance statement, etc.
Please also include the following identification information:
·       Your full name including middle initial
·       Social Security Number
·       Date of birth
·       Complete addresses for the past two years.”
I see they aren’t going to make it easy for me to freeze my account.

I told Nobraskja that I wanted to pay for my November rent.  She printed out a bill that included September rent and what was an approximate weight overage of 42,160.16.  After I explained I already paid September’s rent she checked and agreed and recalculated my overage to 47,900.  I paid that in cash and then we both forgot about paying for November’s rent.

Outside it had stopped raining and I quickly caught a bus back to Envigado and was back at the apt by 5:15.

Finally I had to admit to Teresa that I lost my tech bag with Nook 2 weeks ago when I was riding my bicycle.

Teresa told me: the doctor returned in the afternoon, they gave her mother some medicine, she has stopped throwing up and is feeling much better.

I watched some Thursday Night Football.

T-shirt of the day: I don’t need Google.  I have a wife that knows everything.

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