Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4:45am, finally waking/getting up at 6:45.

I left the apt at 8:15 and walked to the mall. I withdrew 2,000,000 pesos twice and got a mix of bills. There was no line in my bank and I quickly paid the apt rental. Outside Bancolombia Brinx guard were refilling one of the consignacion machines. I tried the one next to them but it failed just before it asked for me to deposit the bills. By then the guards had moved on to filling the next ATM. The 2nd ATM didn’t work either but the guard with the shotgun motioned me to this OPRAP kiosk at the end of the hall.

I got in a short line and paid for my health insurance and the gym.

Downstairs I had a latte in Urbania while I sent confirmations of my payments. I also completed 3 more pages of chess puzzles, missing one.

I left at 11am and walked across the street where I paid the Direct TV bill at my usual $efecty window. Back at the mall the parking area is closed off by drywall so there must be some construction going on. Maybe connected with the new IKEA?

I bought a number of items in Exito, put them all in my Skechers bag and returned to the apt by taxi.

I see my pension deposits in my checking account. 😊

I tried calling the Florida USPS distribution center, but got this voice message, “The mailbox of the person you’re trying to call is full. Please try again later.”

The plan was to meet Jimmy at Brooklyn Pizza in Manila at 2:15. At sort of the last minute Teresa wanted to go to Santafe mall. I tired ordering a ride for me with a dropoff for her with Didi but their suggested price of 10mil didn’t seem to attract any drivers. I ended up cancelling it and switched to InDrive (had to reregister my account information) and offered 20mil. I soon got bites and when our car arrived, for the first time it was a taxi. He dropped off Teresa and he dropped me off at the restaurant. Jimmy was there and informed me that the girl there said they don’t open until 5pm. Their website says 2pm. We walked a long block away to 404 House Pizza and the owner was an American from Tampa. We ordered the large pizza, half pepperoni and half meatball (didn’t have Italian sausage) and a couple Cokes. The pizza was delicious and I couldn’t believe I ate 3 slices rather than my usual 2.

Jimmy needed a new battery for his watch so we walked down to Monterrey mall where he quickly got a new one installed for 10mil. We returned to Los Patios and we still had about 2 hours to kill before Carlos would pick us up for the game. Jimmy went upstairs to his room and brought down a card game he had bought called Monopoly Deal. I won the first game, he the 2nd, and I the 3rd then we had to hurry out just as Carlos was arriving. Still 2 hours before game time he drove us through heavy traffic to Obelisco mall. he dropped us off to go park and we went into the Tienda Verde store where Jim bought an Atletico Nacional jersey for 250mil. We only had to wait another 5 minutes for Carlos to catch up to us. He led us to a bar (I think Carlos knows the owner because it was the same bar we went to when my brother was with us) where he and Jim each had a beer. We walked across the street where we showed our tickets pass through the fenced in area. It was still 90 minutes before game time so we stopped at a small bar where he had another beer and I a bottle of cold water. At the stadium a machine scanned the bar code on our tickets and we were allowed it but I had to give up my half full bottle of water. We were in our seats an hour before game time.

The south stands were still nearly empty at that time. By game time they were full with A/N fans jumping up and down and cheering for their team.

Bogota, their opponents scored early in the first half. At the beginning of the 2nd half Jimmy ordered a popcorn from a vendor standing in the aisle a dozen seats away. He thought it was 6 mil, but the guy showed 5 fingers then 3 so we thought it was 5,300 pesos but he meant 8mil. We finally got it sorted out. A/N never scored so they lost 1-0. Carlos ran ahead to get the car and we only had a 5-minute wait for him to come down from parking. He dropped Jimmy off in Manila then me at my apt. Jimmy kicked in 50mil for gas money. I was back at the apt by 11pm, I took a sleeping pill then read in my new book until midnight when I went to bed and quickly fell asleep.




Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Monday, July 29, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6:15.

A year and a half ago my brother brought me 2 small containers of lemon juice. I just finished the first one today. 😊

Teresa left at 8am for her gym class.

My last Amazon package is still late for delivery but it is in the Miami distribution center. Later I saw it’s been there since Wednesday, July 17th. I texted Jose for advise and he suggested I call them.

I left the apt at 10am and walked to the mall, where I recycled a few things. Walking down the hallway toward the metro I saw this sign for IKEA.

I continued on to the Envigado station where I quickly caught a metro car. I got off at exposiciones station and went downstairs where I was on an airport but after a 5-minute wait. The fee was 15,500 pesos and I was at the airport by noon. Jim’s flight that was scheduled to arrive at 1:15 was now scheduled to arrive at 12:57. I stopped at the Pergamino café where I had a latte (awful) and granola with yogurt (pretty good).

I tried several ATMs and finally got a Servibanca to work for me, withdrawing 600,000 pesos ($154) for a charge of 22,500 pesos.

Upstairs in one of the restaurants I watched Jim’s plane land. Back downstairs I waited an hour for Jimmy to come out. Carlos was waiting nearby the entire time.

We went across the street and Carlos soon picked us up. I guess Jim’s suitcase was too large for his trunk as he put it in the front seat and we sat in back.

I learned from Carlos that the restaurant Sweet Georgia has closed. I paid Carlos 130mil for the trip and another 375mil for 3 tickets to Wednesday night’s Atletico Nacional soccer game.

He dropped us off at the Los Patios on Carrera 43E. Jimmy got checked in and his room reminds me of the room that Laura & Peter had at the other location.

We had burgers at Philly Steaks then I walked him to the Exito on Calle 10 so he could purchase a few things. I said goodbye to Jimmy and ordered a Didi to return me to my apt.

I lost a game to Troyclough dropping my rating to 1579.

Carlos called and informed me that the soccer match is tomorrow night not Wednesday. I left a text message for Jimmy but he’s probably already sleeping.

I finished reading Lee Child’s The Enemy, Jack Reacher #8.



Monday, July 29, 2024

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

Unusually cloudy here.

I checked my last Amazon package is running late.

We left the apt at 10:30 and took a Didi to Terminal Sur. We found the window that sells tickets to El Retiro and we just missed the 10:40 bus. The next one was at 11:40 and we didn’t want to wait nearly an hour so we went to La Ceja again. We walked outside the main bus station entrance, turned left, walked 2 blocks to Calle 20, turned right and walked 4 blocks up the hill to the main square (park). I needed a restroom so we went to the same restaurant as before, Pimentos.

This time I ordered a steak, Solomito a la Marin, with a side of spaghetti.

No parade today but from our balcony table we had a nice view of the park below.

I texted Carlos and Jimmy throughout the day planning the airport pickup for tomorrow. Also, we’re going to see an Atletico Nacional soccer match Wednesday night and Thursday have supper at our place then watch the Bears Hall of Fame game at 7pm.

We took our time but the inevitable happened and they brought the check of 133,100 pesos ($33), including 10% tip. (That included complimentary tintos that were awful.)

We started walking clockwise around the park but we soon hit the church. Teresa went inside while I continued the search for a nice café. I found 3 that served lattes. I found Teresa at the entrance to the church. She wanted to stay for mass so we agreed to meet at the first café I found, Candilejas.

I went inside and took a seat right in front of a TV showing the Olympics and ordered a latte. The latte was awful and at 4pm the station switched to something else.

Teresa returned just after 4:30 and we walked down to the bus station where we soon were on a bus to Medellin. Traffic was better than last weekend, we got off at Exposiciones station and took the metro to Ayura station and a taxi back to the apt. We were back by 7pm.



Sunday, July 28, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up twice during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7am. Teresa wasn’t up yet so I just laid down on the recliner until she got up 30 minutes later.

At 9:15 I ordered a Didi and arrived at Daniel’s barbershop right at 9:30. It was only a 5-minute wait for him to finish with a woman and then it was my turn. When it came time for him to wash my hair he couldn’t seem to get any hot water so after waiting a few minutes I told him to go ahead with cold water. It’s not just cold, it’s Andes’ Mountain cold. As he was finishing my haircut, he took some photos of the back of my head. I don’t know what that was about.

I took a Didi to Todo Drogas where I bought my medications for the month but this time had no trouble buying a box of Zopiclona sleeping pills. (Maybe the problem last month was I was asking for two?) The total came to 320,600 pesos ($79.50) and I paid with my Capital One debit card. I walked a couple blocks to a tienda naturista where I bought a bottle of Omega 3 capsules and and a bottle of Magnesium pills for 88,100 pesos.

I walked to Ganso y Castor and got one of the last outdoor tables where I had a latte while reading more of my chess book.

I left at 11:30 and returned to the apt.

I checked my Amazon orders and my last item is due to arrive in Florida today.

After lunch we left at 2:45 and took a Didi to Museo El Castillo. We walked around a bit, same shit different day (they’re calling it decoARTE), and settled in their café. Teresa declared all the pastries looked old so we both had a coconut palito (popsicle).

It bothered my stomach a little but it didn’t stop Teresa from having a second one.

We left at 5:45 and took a Didi up the hill to Complex Los Balsos. In Valentina’s café

we shared a croissant ham sandwich with cream cheese and lattes. Teresa even had a 2nd one.

This is what she does in her spare time, working on what I know see will be a bracelet.

We left at 6:45 and returned to the apt by another Didi. Btw, the total rides tonight cost me about $7.




Saturday, July 27, 2024

Friday, July 26, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

Troyclough resigned our game on the 28th move, increasing my rating to 1594.

Teresa left at 8am for her gym class. I met her in the porteria at 9:30 and we took her taxi to the Pricesmart in Poblado. We bought 957,581 pesos ($237) of groceries (including Butterball turkey breasts, yay!) shared a salad in their cafeteria for lunch and were back at the apt by noon.

I left the apt at 12:45 and had a latte in Los Porteños. I noticed Chris Cajoleas smoking a cigar and talking to someone on his cellphone at the farthest concrete table in front of me. When he finished, he came over and I learned:

1.  He’s got 65 cigars (and a t-shirt) being shipped here and he’s wondering what the tax will be if it’s valued over $200. I called Glenn and he said it’s 19%.

2.  Since his original tejo location burned down he’s it’s a challenge finding another suitable location.

He left and I left at 5pm and returned to the apt.

Teresa wants to go to the castle museum tomorrow, she thinks something is going on there but she isn’t sure what. Google tells me they are open from 10am to 5pm.

I spent most of the rest of the evening watching news stations.

Daniel texted me requesting we change my 9am haircut tomorrow to 9:30. No problem!



Friday, July 26, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 5am, finally waking/getting up with Teresa at 6:15.

Because we both got up early, Teresa was able to make me breakfast before leaving for her gym class. Then she’s going to get a fingernail repaired.

Teresa left at 8:15 and I at 8:45 and walked to the mall. I had a latte in Urbania while solving another 3 pages of chess puzzles. (I got one wrong.) Troyclough resigned our recent game on the 13th move, increasing my rating to 1600. I left at 11am and walked back to the apt.

Teresa got her fingernail fixed.

I left the apt at 2:30, paid the Tigo/Une Wi-Fi bill at the Gana booth and had a latte in Los Porteños. I left at 5:30 and returned to the apt.

I contributed $100 to the Kamala Harris campaign.

I lost to ONEIPAMETATO1453, lowering my rating to 1590.

I completed another lesson in my new chess course.



Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 3:15, finally waking/getting up with Teresa at 7am.

I left the apt at 9am with 2 of Teresa’s (Laura’s) books in Spanish and my Prado Guide in English. I stopped at my suaul bus stop on Avenida Poblado but it was obviously no longer a formal bus stop. After 4 Envigado buses went by I finally got on a Sabaneta bus. I got off across the street from the used book store and crossed the street and entered. It’s been quite some time since I’ve been there and they have a lot of new books in English. I saw one titled 1492 but when I opened it it was in French. In the end I took 1000+ page Truman by David Cullough, “winner of the Pulitzer Prize”. The girl working there took Teresa’s 2 books in trade but wasn’t interested in the Prado guide in English. I walked 2 blocks and took a seat in a café I’ve frequented before across from city hall.

I left at 11am and walked 15 blocks back to the apt.

Marcos didn’t respond to my inquiry as to whether we are meeting tomorrow and he informed me that they are both sick with the flu. Maybe Covid?

I left at 2:30 and had a latte in Los Porteños while completing another 3 pages of puzzles, getting 1 incorrect. Btw, I’ve passed the 20% mark in the book.

I left at 5pm and returned to the apt.

I finished season 1 of Blue Bloods and watched some news on CNN and MSNBC.



Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at midnight, finally getting up with Teresa at 6:15.

I put the ice maker back in its place in the freezer and turned it back on. I’ll be defrosting it like this every 2-3 months now.

Teresa left for her gym class at 8am and I left at 8:15. I walked to the mall and had a latte in Urbania while solving another 3 pages of chess puzzles, getting all of them correct. I overlooked something against Troyclough and now I’m fighting for my life.

I left at 11am, bought a few things in Exito, packed them in our Skechers bag and returned to the apt by taxi.

I tried ordering from Pricesmart but again was told we are outside of their delivery area.

I left the apt at 1:30 and chose a table in Ganso y Castor where I met Johnathon (sp?) from Boston and Isabel from Medellin. They’ll be in the area for a month exploring Medellin and it’s nearby small towns.

I left at 4:15, bought a package of Tena pads in Pasteur, a half-liter of coconut gelato in Antonio’s and half a dozen sesame seed bagels in Eduardo Madrid. Everything fit easily in our new Skechers’ bag/backpack.

I was back at the apt by 5pm.

I asked Teresa to check on the cost for an apt I see for rent across the street in Via Serano.

I checkmated ONEIPAMETATO1453 in 39 moves raising my rating to 1606.

Troyclough checkmated me in 77 moves lowering my rating to 1596.

I watched some news and another couple episodes of Blue Bloods.




Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Monday, July 22, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 5:30am, finally getting up with Teresa at 6:30.

Teresa left at 8am for her gym class. I did a few exercises with my dumbbell and I left at 8:15. I was having a latte in Los Porteños when Teresa called at 9:30, asked where I was and told me to sit tight because she was hungry. I completed 3 more pages of chess puzzles getting all of them correct. Teresa showed up 20 minutes later, we moved inside out of the sun, and she had a croissant sandwich with a latte. (My stomach has been a little topsy turvy lately so I didn’t eat anything.) We left at 10:45 and stopped at Ara where she picked up 104,000 pesos of groceries. I was wondering how we were going to get them back to the apt and just after they were all scanned Teresa realized we had no bags with us. Somehow, she got the young man to allow us to borrow one of their small carts. 😊

I left the apt at 1:45, returned the cart to Ara and had a latte in Ganso y Castor while completing another chapter in my book on pawn power. Two guys sitting at the concrete table in front of me were playing dominoes with a miniature set.

I have 3 games in progress, two with the Black pieces and one with the White pieces and I have the advantage in all of them.

I left at 5pm and bought 2 bags of milk in Ara on my way back to the apt.

I watched some news then another episode of Blue Bloods.

Just before I went to bed, I turned off the ice maker, removed it and turned it upside down in the utility sink.



Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 6am, finally getting up with Teresa at 7:45.

The street’s wet this morning so obviously we had some rain overnight, although I didn’t hear anything.

We left the apt at 11am and took a Didi to Terminal Sur (bus station). We bought 2 tickets for the next bus to La Ceja for 24,800 pesos. We had a short wait in the station before boarding. The trip to La Ceja, with a stop at Exposiciones station, took about an hour and 30 minutes.

We walked a block to Calle 20 and up the hill 3-4 blocks to the park. I couldn’t find the restaurant my brother and I ate at last time but we did find this nice one named Pimentos:

Food (soup salmon for Teresa and chicken parmesan for me) and service were very good and the check, with a bottle of water and slice of tiramsu, came to 147,400 pesos.

Teresa directed my attention to this parade coming by outside. I’m guessing it’s a celebration of their Independence Day. I’ve never seen so many marching bands and it continued for 45-60 minutes:


When it finally ended, we went across the street where Teresa bought some cheap Band-aids and I 2 boxes of Zopiclona for 35,000 pesos.

We sat in the park a while until I felt too cold in the shade.

We left about 4pm and returned to the bus station and after a 5-minute wait we were on a bus to Medellin’s Terminal Norte. With the additional traffic the trip back was 90 minutes but at least we had seats. We got off at Exposiciones station and took the metro to Ayura and a taxi from there to our apt and we were back before 7pm.




Sunday, July 21, 2024

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 5:45, finally getting up with Teresa at 8am.

Today is a holiday, Colombia’s Independence Day.

Teresa wants to go on a day trip somewhere today. We discussed Hotel Blanco Piedras in Parque Arvi, Complex Los Bolsos, Castilla de museo, Santa Lena and Comfama so we’ll see what happens.

I checked and museo de castilla is closed today but Jardin Botanico is open.

I left the apt at 9:15 and walked to the mall. I had a latte while going through my chess book, The Power of Pawns.

I noticed this advertisement on an elevator door. I guess something will be going on at Medellin's Cultural Center (across from Museo de Antioquia in Plaza Bortero) during the Flower Faire.

I left at 11am, bought a bag of milk and large carton of eggs in Exito and returned to the apt by taxi.

I lost a close game to ONEIPAMETATO1453 lowering my rating to 1612.

I think Teresa is thinking about us having lunch in Otra Parte.

In the end Teresa ended up making blueberry pancakes. She also wanted to go to Pricesmart this afternoon but that never happened either.

I watched a few more episodes of Blue Bloods.

We’re talking about going to La Ceja tomorrow.




Saturday, July 20, 2024

Friday, July 19, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 1:30, finally waking/getting up at 7:15.

Teresa informed me she is taking her mother to a doctor’s appointment this afternoon at 2pm.

Basically, I just vegged out on the recliner watching Blue Bloods episodes. I didn’t feel like going out.

Teresa called me at 4pm to meet her in Crepes & Waffles in Viva Envigado but I didn’t feel up for it.



Friday, July 19, 2024

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 1am, again at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 7:15. I went to use the toilet but it didn’t flush, I removed the tank top and the reason was obvious, we have no running water. I should have checked that first.

I left the apt at 8:15 and found the area outside Los Porteños cordoned off by yellow caution tape and workers appeared to be cutting down a tree.

I had a café con leche (price went up from 4,500 to 5,500 pesos) in Parva while waiting for Marcos. He arrived by 9:15 and we talked politics, football and the recent ban on plastic bags. We both agreed we’ll probably have to buy them in Dollar City for our garbage; either that or garbage disposal sales will be going up. Teresa called and asked me to stop in Ara or Tienda D1 and buy her a cigarette lighter. Before Marcos left, so he could watch over my stuff, I made a trip to the restroom.

Marcos left and it was a few minutes after that I noticed the stain on my shorts. I remembered a strong smell of Clorox in the restroom and they must have wiped down the side of the sink with it and now some of the dye has came out of my navy-blue shorts.

I talked to the manager and I did see her talk to the workers at the counter but who knows what was said. I left about 10 minutes later and stopped at a tiny grocery store and bought a lighter for Teresa.

Back at the apt Teresa didn’t want me to get rid of the shorts, she said she often sees gringos with stains like that. I recommended, to be more in fashion, that I could add some holes in them. 😉

I left the apt at 2:45 and had a latte and an alfahor (a soft cookie with arequipe inside) in Los Porteños

The tree where I used to leave peanuts for the squirrel is now gone.

Teresa called and asked me to pick up chicken breast and cilantro in Ara on my way back to the apt.

I left at 5pm and returned to the apt after a stop in Ara.

I finished reading Samuel Arbesman’s Half Life of Facts. Interesting but not so interesting that I want everyone to read it.




Thursday, July 18, 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 3:30, finally waking/getting up at 6:15. I took my morning pills, laid down on the recliner for a few minutes then got up and returned to bed. I woke/got up at 8:15 and Teresa was finally up and made me breakfast.

She reminded me she’ll be going to Mayorca for gym class then Envigado for art class so I’ll be on my own for lunch.

I left the apt at 9:45. Los Porteños was busier than usual for a Wednesday morning but I got the last outside table. I completed another 3 pages in my puzzle book, getting all of them correct. I watched an episode of 1920 Football Drive on Youtube that my son sent me. NFL football will be here soon. I have the advantage in all 3 of my correspondence games and I have the Black pieces in each.

I left at 11:15 and bought a sesame seed bagel in Eduardo Madrid on my way back to the apt.

I left the apt at 1pm and took a Didi to Philly Steaks in Poblado for 8,245 pesos.

I had their Philly Steak with a Coke and it was a little on the chewy side.

Next time I’ll try the meatball sandwich. I left at 2:45 and took a Didi to Otra Parte for 10,500 pesos. On the way I noticed this sticker on the back of the taxi in front of us.

I’m sure Teresa won’t be interested in paying 400mil or more to see it besides I want her to see it in Chicago.

I changed my mind (need more shade) and tipped the driver 2mil to continue on to La Buena Mesa. I took a table in the shade at Ganso y Castor.

ONEIPAMETATO1453 resigned our latest game increasing my rating to 1622.

I left at 4:30 and returned to the apt; Teresa had probably just arrived as I noticed the elevator came down from the 4th floor.

I started watching the series Blue Bloods (7.7); the 293 episodes should keep me busy for a while.



Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 7:15.

Teresa made me breakfast then left at 8am for her exercise class.

I left the apt at 8:45 and walked to the mall. I recycled a couple items then got in a short line at Exito Wow to pay the utility bill. Two guys ahead of time took some time to retrieve a lot of cash and then they gave most of it back to pay some bills. I paid our epm bill of 372,260 pesos. Since I was in the back of the market I took my usual shortcut through the parking garage to the mall side entrance.

I see the iShop (Apple) has reopened but the space in the back of the store where the restroom used to be still looks unused.

I had a latte and a glass of water in Urbania while completing 3 more pages of chess puzzles (I got one wrong).

I left at 11:15, bought some groceries (milk, apples, bananas) in Exito, stuffed it all in the nylon bag we got when we bought Teresa’s Skechers shoes and returned to the apt by taxi.

Another Amazon package arrived in Florida; one more and I can release it all to Colombia.

I watched the first two episodes of Kolchak: The Night Stalker (8.4). I used to love that show, starring Darren McGavin, but it didn’t age well.

I completed a couple more lessons in my new chess course.

Teresa reminded me she has an early morning gym class, like 7:15?



Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 11:30, finally waking/getting up at 7:15.

Today is a holiday, a civic holiday, due to the championship match last night.

ONEIPAMETATO1453 resigned our latest game on the 25th move increasing my rating to 1614.

I forgot to mention that Ana Maria visited us yesterday. She got lost walking from Ayura station and Teresa had to go down to Texaco to retrieve her. They both watched the match with me last night and she stayed overnight in the guest bedroom.

I’m not going to the gym today so I did some exercises with my 7# dumbbell.

I left the apt at 9:15 and had a latte in Los Porteños where I discovered I didn’t have a pen with me. Troyclough resigned our game in 38 moves, increasing my rating to 1618. 😊  I left at 11:15 and returned to the apt.

The ladies were still here. I’m waiting now on them to get ready and we’ll go to La Bahia for lunch. We left at 12:30 and took a Didi to the restaurant. We all had their menu of the day, with chicken breast for me and chichirron for them. They went to visit MT while I paid the bill then went across the street to the mall.

(Still a large open space on the outside of the mall for an IKEA sign.)

I paid the Claro bill (forgot to bring the epm bill ) then took a seat downstairs in Urbania. They were a little busy but still lots of seats available.

I left at 4:15, confirmed that everyone coming out of Exito were carrying paper bags, then returned to the apt by taxi.

Tersa called me at 6:30 and suggested we have supper in the new Argentinian restaurant, Quilombo, at 7:30. I arrived right at 7:30 and it was closed. I see now that they’re closed Mondays.

Instead, we met at Olivia’s and had a nice supper for 174mil.

We stopped in Ara just before their 9pm closed and bought a few things (only paper here too) before returning to the apt.

Teresa showed me the inexpensive plastic bags she bought in Dollar City for our garbage.

I finished the TV series, The Night Agent (7.5) which was pretty good.



Monday, July 15, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4am, finally waking/getting up at 7:30.

Yesterday I texted Glenn asking if he was available for breakfast but he said, “he had other plans”.

I left the apt at 8:45 and walked to Ganso y Castor in La Buena Mesa. I took an end table making it easier for others to join together 2 tables if a large party should need one. I ordered a latte and French toast. 

A middle eastern looking young man took the table next to me and ate a pastry puff. He left and a young couple with 2 large dogs, a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler took one of the concrete tables not far away. The German Shepherd wasn’t on a leash but the Rottweiler would go crazy when any other dog was in the vicinity. The guy would yell at it and smack it in the face. That dog needs professional training before it hurts someone.

The middle eastern man stared into his cell phone and walked the width of the park dozens of times.

Zoom in and you can see he’s looking directly at me as I took this photo and you can also see the dogs in the foreground.

Teresa called about 10:45 and asked me to order chicken from Frisby. I tried but the app, which I haven’t used in a long time, and it seemed to think I’m a new user asking for my choice of: Google account, email, phone number, etc. for confirmation.

I left at 11:30 and stopped in Ara to buy 2 bags of milk before returning to the apt.

I got signed up again with the Rappi app using my cell phone number and ordered chicken.

Biden: “This is not who we are as Americans.” Well, actions speak louder than words. This is exactly what America is. So, let’s stop pretending and issue every American adult an automatic rifle and a bullet proof vest. I guess, per the 2nd amendment it is our duty to all join a well-regulated militia.

I’m seeing lots of Colombians in their Colombian team jerseys or t-shirts.

Not sure what time zone this was quoting,

 just before 6pm I searched for the correct channel and found it at SOCCER SPECIAL EVENTS. Even though the caption read CANADA/US it had the Argentina vs Colombia match.

At 7pm it still hadn’t started. Same at 7:30 and 8pm but I did find this:

The match finally started at 8:23. Quite a bit of noise in the neighborhood including those ooga horns At the end of the first half the score was 0-0, how exciting. At the end of regulation it was still 0-0. Argentina finally scored with a shot to the goalie’s head in the 2nd overtime. Ho hum, time for bed.



Sunday, July 14, 2024

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 9:45pm, got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

We left at 11am and took a Didi to Plaza Mayor for 12,500 pesos. We only had a short line to get in and I got a senior citizen discount. Woo hoo!

To me the ExpoArtesano looked the same as last year but Teresa wanted to get out of the apt.

Pretty quickly Teresa found a beaded bracelet I bought for her for 40mil.

We walked around most of the exhibits, I even saw the guy selling beautiful chess boards but he was on his phone so I didn’t get an opportunity to ask him the price.

For lunch we shared a tamal and we each had a Coke.

We finished up walking through the main hall downstairs.

We bought ice cream cones and took a seat on the outside stairs in the shade. They had live music with a singer and children with down syndrome dancing.

Back inside we completed the upstairs area. This man was making cigars.

Outside we quickly caught a taxi back to our apt without much traffic for 18mil.

I watched another couple episodes of The Night Agent then saw a post on Facebook and switched to news of the assassination attempt on tRump. i tried to find a Spanish station on IPTV so Teresa would have some audio to go with all the stills and video but no luck.,

One of the porteros dropped off our epm bill of 372,260 pesos.