Friday, July 5, 2024

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 5:30, finally waking/getting up at 6:45. It’s raining but I’m pretty sure it will end soon.

Happy Independence Day!

Playing in Cine Colombia, Viva Envigado today is A Quiet Place: Day One (6.8) at 8:30pm (I was hoping for an afternoon showtime) and Tuesday (6.6) at 3:10pm.

I left the apt just before 9am and stopped at the Bancolombia window where I waited 20 minutes to have Jimmy’s flight itinerary printed. I continued on to Parva and when Marcos didn’t arrive by 9:35 I ordered a café con leche. He arrived 10 minutes later and we discussed last week’s debate and Supreme Court ruling and politics in general. He reminded me I hadn’t given Teresa the 2nd nut bar he brought from Madrid.

He left at 10:45 and I left at 11:15 and stopped in Ara to buy tomatoes for lunch today.

Teresa was very happy I when I gifted her the 2nd nut bar.

Kelley was supposed come at 2pm to give Teresa a massage which is why we had lunch earlier than usual at noon. Then she called and said she’d be here by 2:30 or 3pm.

We’ve been getting a “771 Sin Señal del satéllite” message on DirectTV for months. Teresa tried calling them and got one of those automated support systems. Teresa is going to ask her girlfriend the location of their headquarters and I’ll pay them a visit. If they can’t fix the problem, I’ll just cancel our service. I Googled DirecTV and it appears they have an office in Oviedo so I’ll probably give it a try on Saturday.

I left at 2:30 and had a latte with a fresh slice of carrot cake in Eduardo Madrid while completing 3 more pages of chess puzzles in my book. It takes longer now because Noel, the instructor of my new chess class, wants me to write down the entire line of my answers and then count and classify any mistakes.

Let me set the scene for you. I’m sitting next to the window for more light and fresh air. Now when I say “window” it’s just a cutout with no glass. The eyes of someone standing next to it on the sidewalk would come up a few inches above level with the bottom of the window so it would be difficult to reach in and over and down to grab anything off my table – unless they are a contortionist. It was 4pm and I had finished my puzzles and was looking at my phone when I heard someone speak Spanish just outside the window. Not surprisingly I didn’t understand a word but expected it to be a street person asking for spare change. I turn towards the window and there’s an Army soldier in helmet, camouflage uniform, and black boots carrying a semi-automatic weapon. (Two others were ahead of him so I got a good full body look.) I said, “lo siento, pero no hablo mucho Español”. He gave me a thumbs up which I returned and he continued on his way. Weird! In 11 years here and I’ve never been approached by a policeman, so this was unusual.

At 5pm, I paid for my latte and slice of carrot cake and got 6 bagels and a slice of carrot cake for Teresa and returned to the apt.

Teresa said Kelley was here and brought her 6-month-old baby.

Troyclough resigned our game (I had trapped his queen), increasing my rating to 1598.

Teresa believes she’s caught a cold.



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