Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4:45am, finally waking/getting up at 6:45.

I left the apt at 8:15 and walked to the mall. I withdrew 2,000,000 pesos twice and got a mix of bills. There was no line in my bank and I quickly paid the apt rental. Outside Bancolombia Brinx guard were refilling one of the consignacion machines. I tried the one next to them but it failed just before it asked for me to deposit the bills. By then the guards had moved on to filling the next ATM. The 2nd ATM didn’t work either but the guard with the shotgun motioned me to this OPRAP kiosk at the end of the hall.

I got in a short line and paid for my health insurance and the gym.

Downstairs I had a latte in Urbania while I sent confirmations of my payments. I also completed 3 more pages of chess puzzles, missing one.

I left at 11am and walked across the street where I paid the Direct TV bill at my usual $efecty window. Back at the mall the parking area is closed off by drywall so there must be some construction going on. Maybe connected with the new IKEA?

I bought a number of items in Exito, put them all in my Skechers bag and returned to the apt by taxi.

I see my pension deposits in my checking account. 😊

I tried calling the Florida USPS distribution center, but got this voice message, “The mailbox of the person you’re trying to call is full. Please try again later.”

The plan was to meet Jimmy at Brooklyn Pizza in Manila at 2:15. At sort of the last minute Teresa wanted to go to Santafe mall. I tired ordering a ride for me with a dropoff for her with Didi but their suggested price of 10mil didn’t seem to attract any drivers. I ended up cancelling it and switched to InDrive (had to reregister my account information) and offered 20mil. I soon got bites and when our car arrived, for the first time it was a taxi. He dropped off Teresa and he dropped me off at the restaurant. Jimmy was there and informed me that the girl there said they don’t open until 5pm. Their website says 2pm. We walked a long block away to 404 House Pizza and the owner was an American from Tampa. We ordered the large pizza, half pepperoni and half meatball (didn’t have Italian sausage) and a couple Cokes. The pizza was delicious and I couldn’t believe I ate 3 slices rather than my usual 2.

Jimmy needed a new battery for his watch so we walked down to Monterrey mall where he quickly got a new one installed for 10mil. We returned to Los Patios and we still had about 2 hours to kill before Carlos would pick us up for the game. Jimmy went upstairs to his room and brought down a card game he had bought called Monopoly Deal. I won the first game, he the 2nd, and I the 3rd then we had to hurry out just as Carlos was arriving. Still 2 hours before game time he drove us through heavy traffic to Obelisco mall. he dropped us off to go park and we went into the Tienda Verde store where Jim bought an Atletico Nacional jersey for 250mil. We only had to wait another 5 minutes for Carlos to catch up to us. He led us to a bar (I think Carlos knows the owner because it was the same bar we went to when my brother was with us) where he and Jim each had a beer. We walked across the street where we showed our tickets pass through the fenced in area. It was still 90 minutes before game time so we stopped at a small bar where he had another beer and I a bottle of cold water. At the stadium a machine scanned the bar code on our tickets and we were allowed it but I had to give up my half full bottle of water. We were in our seats an hour before game time.

The south stands were still nearly empty at that time. By game time they were full with A/N fans jumping up and down and cheering for their team.

Bogota, their opponents scored early in the first half. At the beginning of the 2nd half Jimmy ordered a popcorn from a vendor standing in the aisle a dozen seats away. He thought it was 6 mil, but the guy showed 5 fingers then 3 so we thought it was 5,300 pesos but he meant 8mil. We finally got it sorted out. A/N never scored so they lost 1-0. Carlos ran ahead to get the car and we only had a 5-minute wait for him to come down from parking. He dropped Jimmy off in Manila then me at my apt. Jimmy kicked in 50mil for gas money. I was back at the apt by 11pm, I took a sleeping pill then read in my new book until midnight when I went to bed and quickly fell asleep.




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