Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Monday, July 8, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 9:30, got up once at 6am, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

It’s been months (years?) since phlegm was an issue but now it’s back.

For breakfast I had my usual scrambled eggs with half a bagel but no coffee.

Feeling very weak as I haven’t eaten anything of consequence the past 3 days. Teresa has a bad cough and I suggested she call a pharmacy and have something delivered to deal with that symptom but that suggestion fell on deaf ears.

I checkmated ONEIPAMETATO1453 in 50 moves, increasing my rating to 1603. I’m there again, we’ll see how long I can stay there.

We’re down to our last egg, half a bag of milk, and 2 rolls of toilet paper so its time to take some drastic measures.

I took my first shower since when? Thursday? Friday? Not sure but it did feel nice to get clean again.

At 11:45 I took a Didi to the mall and stopped at the pharmacy to buy another box of Advil. My mouth was so dry I could barely get the words out. The lady showed me Advil Max and Advil Ultra. While I was trying to decide if Ultra could be stronger than Max I asked if they have an Advil for Colds. She brought me a box of Advil Grippa which I purchased for about 30mil.

I took a small cart and picked up a large carton of eggs and large package of toilet paper. In the dairy aisle I was surprised the only milk they had was entera (whole milk) so I took one. I picked up a bag of lemons (we call them limes) and got in a short checkout line. When I asked for a bag for the milk and lemons it was a small paper grocery bag. I asked if they no longer have plastic bags but of course I didn’t completely understand the answer. Maybe they are no longer allowed as of July 1st? Time will tell.

Outside I quickly caught a taxi back to the apt.

I finished the 1st season of 24. The ending had enough surprises I decided to start the 2nd season.




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