Sunday, July 14, 2024

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 9:45pm, got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

We left at 11am and took a Didi to Plaza Mayor for 12,500 pesos. We only had a short line to get in and I got a senior citizen discount. Woo hoo!

To me the ExpoArtesano looked the same as last year but Teresa wanted to get out of the apt.

Pretty quickly Teresa found a beaded bracelet I bought for her for 40mil.

We walked around most of the exhibits, I even saw the guy selling beautiful chess boards but he was on his phone so I didn’t get an opportunity to ask him the price.

For lunch we shared a tamal and we each had a Coke.

We finished up walking through the main hall downstairs.

We bought ice cream cones and took a seat on the outside stairs in the shade. They had live music with a singer and children with down syndrome dancing.

Back inside we completed the upstairs area. This man was making cigars.

Outside we quickly caught a taxi back to our apt without much traffic for 18mil.

I watched another couple episodes of The Night Agent then saw a post on Facebook and switched to news of the assassination attempt on tRump. i tried to find a Spanish station on IPTV so Teresa would have some audio to go with all the stills and video but no luck.,

One of the porteros dropped off our epm bill of 372,260 pesos.



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