Monday, July 15, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 4am, finally waking/getting up at 7:30.

Yesterday I texted Glenn asking if he was available for breakfast but he said, “he had other plans”.

I left the apt at 8:45 and walked to Ganso y Castor in La Buena Mesa. I took an end table making it easier for others to join together 2 tables if a large party should need one. I ordered a latte and French toast. 

A middle eastern looking young man took the table next to me and ate a pastry puff. He left and a young couple with 2 large dogs, a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler took one of the concrete tables not far away. The German Shepherd wasn’t on a leash but the Rottweiler would go crazy when any other dog was in the vicinity. The guy would yell at it and smack it in the face. That dog needs professional training before it hurts someone.

The middle eastern man stared into his cell phone and walked the width of the park dozens of times.

Zoom in and you can see he’s looking directly at me as I took this photo and you can also see the dogs in the foreground.

Teresa called about 10:45 and asked me to order chicken from Frisby. I tried but the app, which I haven’t used in a long time, and it seemed to think I’m a new user asking for my choice of: Google account, email, phone number, etc. for confirmation.

I left at 11:30 and stopped in Ara to buy 2 bags of milk before returning to the apt.

I got signed up again with the Rappi app using my cell phone number and ordered chicken.

Biden: “This is not who we are as Americans.” Well, actions speak louder than words. This is exactly what America is. So, let’s stop pretending and issue every American adult an automatic rifle and a bullet proof vest. I guess, per the 2nd amendment it is our duty to all join a well-regulated militia.

I’m seeing lots of Colombians in their Colombian team jerseys or t-shirts.

Not sure what time zone this was quoting,

 just before 6pm I searched for the correct channel and found it at SOCCER SPECIAL EVENTS. Even though the caption read CANADA/US it had the Argentina vs Colombia match.

At 7pm it still hadn’t started. Same at 7:30 and 8pm but I did find this:

The match finally started at 8:23. Quite a bit of noise in the neighborhood including those ooga horns At the end of the first half the score was 0-0, how exciting. At the end of regulation it was still 0-0. Argentina finally scored with a shot to the goalie’s head in the 2nd overtime. Ho hum, time for bed.



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