Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6:15am.

Today is another holiday, this time Feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul.

I see my SS deposit has arrived in my Capital One account.

Teresa says she needs a new pair of shoes for the gym so she wants to go to El Tesoro or Mayorca to shop for a new pair.

I left the apt at 9:15 and completed my workout in Smartfit. At Los Porteños all the outside seats were taken so I took a table outside Ganso y Castor. Three young ladies were sitting at the next table and the one with her back to me was engrossed in her cellphone. I could see she had Down’s Syndrome and I heard her say, “muy guapo” and the other girls laughed so maybe she was looking at a dating app. They guy with all the dogs came by. One at the end of the video was taking a crap and in defense of the guy he did find a nearby napkin to pick it up with.

Teresa called me and asked me to pick up Broccoli at Ara but I told her I only have enough cash with me for my latte. When it came time to pay I found I had 20mil not 12mil so I was able to stop at Ara and buy broccoli and a bag of milk on the way back to the apt.

Teresa changed her mind about shopping for shoes today. If I understand correctly she’s going to wait until Wednesday when she’s in Mayorca for her gym class.

I left at 1:45 and had a latte in Los Porteños. I heard thunder and the sky got a little dark so I consulted my weather apps and both predicted rain. I stopped at Antonio’s, as directed, and bought a half liter of coconut gelato before returning to the apt.

I’m 32% through the new chess course and I now have a new procedure for studying tactics.

For supper I had a pancake topped with coconut gelato.

Troyclough resigned our game increasing my rating to 1589.

No rain today, interesting!




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