Monday, July 29, 2024

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 5am, finally waking/getting up at 7am.

Unusually cloudy here.

I checked my last Amazon package is running late.

We left the apt at 10:30 and took a Didi to Terminal Sur. We found the window that sells tickets to El Retiro and we just missed the 10:40 bus. The next one was at 11:40 and we didn’t want to wait nearly an hour so we went to La Ceja again. We walked outside the main bus station entrance, turned left, walked 2 blocks to Calle 20, turned right and walked 4 blocks up the hill to the main square (park). I needed a restroom so we went to the same restaurant as before, Pimentos.

This time I ordered a steak, Solomito a la Marin, with a side of spaghetti.

No parade today but from our balcony table we had a nice view of the park below.

I texted Carlos and Jimmy throughout the day planning the airport pickup for tomorrow. Also, we’re going to see an Atletico Nacional soccer match Wednesday night and Thursday have supper at our place then watch the Bears Hall of Fame game at 7pm.

We took our time but the inevitable happened and they brought the check of 133,100 pesos ($33), including 10% tip. (That included complimentary tintos that were awful.)

We started walking clockwise around the park but we soon hit the church. Teresa went inside while I continued the search for a nice café. I found 3 that served lattes. I found Teresa at the entrance to the church. She wanted to stay for mass so we agreed to meet at the first café I found, Candilejas.

I went inside and took a seat right in front of a TV showing the Olympics and ordered a latte. The latte was awful and at 4pm the station switched to something else.

Teresa returned just after 4:30 and we walked down to the bus station where we soon were on a bus to Medellin. Traffic was better than last weekend, we got off at Exposiciones station and took the metro to Ayura station and a taxi back to the apt. We were back by 7pm.



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