Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up once at 6am, finally getting up with Teresa at 7:45.

The street’s wet this morning so obviously we had some rain overnight, although I didn’t hear anything.

We left the apt at 11am and took a Didi to Terminal Sur (bus station). We bought 2 tickets for the next bus to La Ceja for 24,800 pesos. We had a short wait in the station before boarding. The trip to La Ceja, with a stop at Exposiciones station, took about an hour and 30 minutes.

We walked a block to Calle 20 and up the hill 3-4 blocks to the park. I couldn’t find the restaurant my brother and I ate at last time but we did find this nice one named Pimentos:

Food (soup salmon for Teresa and chicken parmesan for me) and service were very good and the check, with a bottle of water and slice of tiramsu, came to 147,400 pesos.

Teresa directed my attention to this parade coming by outside. I’m guessing it’s a celebration of their Independence Day. I’ve never seen so many marching bands and it continued for 45-60 minutes:


When it finally ended, we went across the street where Teresa bought some cheap Band-aids and I 2 boxes of Zopiclona for 35,000 pesos.

We sat in the park a while until I felt too cold in the shade.

We left about 4pm and returned to the bus station and after a 5-minute wait we were on a bus to Medellin’s Terminal Norte. With the additional traffic the trip back was 90 minutes but at least we had seats. We got off at Exposiciones station and took the metro to Ayura and a taxi from there to our apt and we were back before 7pm.




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