Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, October 21st, 2013

Here’s a picture from yesterday’s 9 month anniversary get-together at Sport Wings.  Behind me are:
1st row: Patricia, John’s girlfriend, John
2nd row: Bob, Pablo, Pablo’s girlfriend

 Last night about 6pm I had a café con leche for 1200 (63 cents) and 2 sugar donuts with arequipe for 500 each (26 cents) at the bakery on Calle 44 (San Juan).  The waitress gave me a check with my food and for my donut she wrote “chirr”.  I just checked online and these are indeed “churros”.  I also noticed the name of this bakery is Paisa Pan so I’ll try to remember to use that name from now on.

Back at my apartment I watched the return of Peyton Manning, now with Denver, to Indianapolis.  The Indianpolis Colts won 39-33.  I stopped watching after the 3rd quarter but I see the Broncos came back in the 4th quarter outscoring the Colts 16-6.

I finished Stephen King’s 1,236 page book The Stand.  I don’t have to tell you it is long but it is a good read.  I then downloaded my next selection the 700 page book Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy.

I went to bed at 10pm, woke up once during the night, and woke/got up at 6:30.  Again I skipped my workout, had coffee on my balcony and was at the pharmacy at 8am, 30 minutes before their scheduled open.  There was a light mist in the air but I kept pretty dry under an overhang.  I read my Nook until the owner showed up at 8:45.  I asked him if there is a woman working there about 40 years old or so with black hair.  He said the woman who works there is 35 years old but doesn’t have black hair so I guess I struck out.

On my way back I stopped at the bakery and picked up a bag of milk for my breakfast cereal.

I checked the local theaters and Captain Phillips is playing with Spanish subtitles at:
Oviedo at 6:10 and 9pm
Unicentro at 9:10pm.
El Tesoro at 4:10pm and 7:20pm.
Monterrey at 9:30pm.
Premium Plaza at 3:25pm, 6:25pm, and 9:25pm.

I should be hearing from my dentist this week about my permanent crowns so maybe I can combine that appointment with lunch or dinner at FFSS and see a movie at Premium Plaza or El Tesoro.

About 11:30 Jamie’s son, Juan Camilo, stopped by and changed the batteries in my gas hot water heater.  They probably light the gas burners needed to heat the water but these weren’t Duracells, they were “Midi Max” D batteries.  Sounds like a cheap brand to me.  He explained:
when light is that if there is no hot water no hot water turns
  of the problem you are running does not have enough batteries that are worn ensender fail to fire.
if you see this email anything
for that and tell me and I can come faster”
the window are around trying to get the wheel that is scarce
juan camilo Resume
touching the door when removing it but still not come to change the wheel”

I understand they are waiting for a wheel that they need to replace on my balcony door to allow it to move smoothly.

I spent some time chatting with Bob this afternoon at the bakery by his hostel where I had a café con leche with a Pan Mariquiteño (like a dinner roll; almost the only thing they have without cheese) for less than 2mil.

Later we moved to the Tinto store where Jhon came by and I told him the mystery lady (my new name for her) doesn’t work at the pharmacy and he explained he never said she worked there but near there.

At 4pm I was sitting at a juice stand on Carrera 84 having a fresh squeezed large Guanabana and a strawberry juice for 2,000 pesos each.  I hung out there until 5:15 but no sight of the mystery lady.  I asked the owner what time he opens in the morning and he said 6am because a lot of people stop for orange juice on their way to work.

Dinner was the double bacon burger special with French Fries and 12 ounce Pepsi at Burger King for 10,900 ($5.74).  I bought a 500gram bag of sugar at Exito for 860 pesos (45 cents).

I met Bob at the Tinto store and when they closed we moved across the street to the corner store where Jhon joined us later.  We mostly talk about women and relationships and live in Colombia.  I am realizing that I made a mistake with Beatriz when I asked her to be my “novia” because that translates to “bride” or “fiancee”.  I should have asked her to be my “compañera” which translates to “girlfriend’.  I knew there would be some communication problems here but I didn’t think they would be so basic.

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