Monday, October 7, 2013

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

I added Saturday’s events to that blog entry so if you already read it go back and read it again continuing after the 3pm timeline.

Saturday morning I got up at 8:30 and took my towel and toilet paraphernalia into the bathroom.  Like a lot of toilets here you have to fiddle with them to get the tank to fill up with water again.  I stepped into the shower and turned on the hot and cold water – no water!  Sigh.  I washed my hands and face in the sink and then ran into some woman I hadn’t seen before in the kitchen.  Apparently she is a cook they hired to feed all of us today.

She brought me coffee while I waited for the others to wake up.  In a short time everyone was up and she served us breakfast.  

Later before it got too hot William and his wife gave me and Beatriz a tour of the grounds.  I took a lot of photographs on my walk.  They have 3 common areas that include swimming pools or just areas in which to relax.
About 3pm we had sort of a Bandeja Paisa lunch with everyone having chicharron but me.

Then Beatriz and I spent a lot of time in the pool.  I found a couple of water basketballs sets and we had fun trying to shoot at the other person’s basket.
Later after the others came they set up a volley ball net over the pool and the 4 guys played volleyball.  William got a little lax with the rules where he would literally catch the ball and hold it a second before throwing it over the net.  L  When everyone else started getting ridiculous with the rules he finally settled down and we had a lot of fun playing correctly.

A group of us sat on the porch later and played some game using 2 decks of playing cards where you try to make 3 of a kind (only with different suits) and straight flushes.

We finally left at 8:55 and got back to Medellin about 9:20.
I made plans with Beatriz to go to a movie Wednesday at Los Molinos at 7:30.

The first thing I noticed when I got back to my apartment was my laptop sitting on the floor. I now have my laptop cabled to my kitchen table so obviously they weren’t prepared to deal with that.  The balcony door was open part way so obviously that’s how they got in.  The extra sheets in my bedroom closet were moved, and a passport case I had was moved.  All the drawers were opened even in the extra bedroom.  One strange thing is that the horizontal blinds in the master bedroom were messed with.  I don’t keep valuables in the house but I think I’ve going to have to move to a more secure building before I purchase anything valuable like a television.  I found one of my pillow cases next to my laptop so I don’t think they found anything valuable that needed to be carried away.  But now I’m having trouble getting my headset to work again.

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