Monday, April 8, 2019

Sunday, April 7, 2019

I got up twice during the night finally waking/getting up at 8:15.

After a breakfast of French toast I left the apt at 9:50.  It was a 40 minute walk to the main Starbucks in Poblado.  On the way there was nothing going on at Otra Parte but I did observe exercise classes at the Euro supermarket and at Santafe mall.  As I was enjoying my drink, at the next table a middle-aged man was giving a young Colombiana a lesson in German.  It was another 40 minute walk back to the apt.

At 1:50pm – more rain.  The plan was to leave here at 3pm to arrive at 4pm for Alejandro’s birthday party.

We took a nap for about 45 minutes then Teresa washed the dishes so it didn’t seem like she was in any hurry to go.

At 4:15 she said “get dressed” and we left at 4:30.  Luckily it had stopped raining so we only had a short wait for a taxi.  They live on 65th street just off of Avenida 80.

The front entrance has a 6’ metal fence and Alejandro had to come out and unlock the padlock to let us in the gate.  Their apartment is on the 2nd floor and there were already a few brothers, sisters and cousins.  Alejandro gave me their wifi password and while they all chatted I went through Facebook and read some news.

He introduced me to his friend Santiago and I showed them the app which they downloaded and they showed me how to connect to Friends and we took turns playing each other.  They are just beginners so I beat them easily.

About 8pm Teresa and I were invited as the 1st shift to eat lasagna at the kitchen table.  I noted that the kitchen level was strangely elevated 2” higher than the rest of the house.  I must have bumped it with my toe.

After the 2nd shift had eaten Teresa went into the kitchen to kiss everyone goodbye and she face planted having tripped on that nasty edge.  She bruised both knees, both hands and arms but luckily nothing was broken or even scratched.  That’s a very dangerous spot and I commented that it should be painted red which brought a laugh.  If you don’t know its there you could really hurt yourself.

They called us a taxi and we were back at the apt by 9:45.

10,177 steps today.

Joke of the day
The accused stood before the magistrate, convicted of a crime on the evidence of eye-witnesses.  “Your honor,” he exclaimed in astonishment, “how can you believe these five rascals who saw me do it, when I can produce a hundred people who didn’t?”

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