Thursday, April 18, 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

I woke up at 4:30 in the morning with a case of diarrhia.  I took 2 loperamida and went back to bed but it took quite a while to fall back asleep.  I finally woke/got up at 7am.

I took another loperamida (which completely shut things down), ½ an excedrin and a muscle relaxant.

Teresa went through the rosary again this morning – usually it’s only at night.  Maybe it’s because of samana santa – holy week.  We will see if this continues next week.

Teresa left for the gym just before 8am.  I understand she’s going to La Estrella later so I’m on my own for lunch.

I watched the first 20 minutes of the Today show and left for the gym.  Today they let me in after recording my fingerprint.  When I started the chest press portion of the butterfly machine I didn’t feel like my shoulder was strong enough to support it so I’m probably going to have to add a shoulder press exercise back to my routine. I was working on the leg extension machine when a gringo named Marcos stopped and introduced himself.  He is originally from New York via Costa Rica and has an apt close to Avenida Las Vegas with his girlfriend and her 2 sons.  He says he would marry her but he doesn’t want to have to support her 2 do-nothing boys.  Today I saw a couple more transfers from the Viva Envigado location – a young lady and her mother.  I’ve noticed the young lady is a hard worker in the gym and she has the 6-pack to prove it.  I finished all my exercises in about an hour and 20 minutes.

From an article I read recently it appears I should be lifting heavier weights with fewer repetitions – like 6-8 so I’ll gradually implement that over the next few weeks.

Back at the apt Teresa informed me that she isn’t going to La Estrella today so she made me pasta with chicken for lunch.

I refilled the hummingbird feeder and hung it on the wire using the s-hook.

At 12:50 we had a thunder storm come through that lasted about an hour.  One lightning strike was very close as there was no difference in time between the lightning and the thunder.

I asked Teresa to join me for the movie but she declined.  I left the apt at 2:45 and I bought a single preferred seating ticket to The Curse of the Llorona (6.4) for 6mil.

I went upstairs to Café Arangos where I had a café con leche and studied more chess tactics.

At 4pm I went down to the Platinum room where I had some chicken nuggets and a small Coke while working on more chess tactics.  Just before 5pm I got a small popcorn and asked for a refill of my Coke and found out that they don’t do refills.

The movie was good but not great with a number of scary scenes.
After the movie I returned to the apt.

The Chicago Bears 2019 schedule has been released and it includes a Thursday night game with the Packers to kick off the 100th season of the NFL, a Monday night game, a Thanksgiving game, 2 Sunday afternoon games, 2 Sunday night games and a game in London.

A number of times tonight I see small bats trying to get at the sugar water but I don’t think they are very successful because they can’t hover like a hummingbird.

I watched Chapter 7 – When to trade pieces.

At bedtime I turned off all the lights and watched the feeder for a few minutes.  Lots of visits by small bats and at one time 3 different bats were in my field of view.

9,574 steps today.

Joke of the day
A wife and her husband were trying to make a new password for their computer.  The husband enters "Mypenis" and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says "Error, not long enough".

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