Saturday, December 11, 2021

Friday, December 10, 2021

Recovery Day #168!

Last night I went to bed at 11pm, fell asleep quickly, woke up a couple times during the night but couldn’t find the watch I usually keep between our pillow, made one trip to the toilet, did my Kegel exercises, and woke/got up at 6:45.

The ladies left at 7am for Teresa to pick-up her monthly medicine and Laura will go to the gym. Later there will be another doctor appointment for Laura then they’re going to El Tesoro mall for some shopping/exchanging.

I left the apt at 8:15 and walked to Eduardo Madrid bakery. (I’ve had a yearning for a blueberry muffin and I haven’t been to this bakery since the pandemic started.) They didn’t have blueberry muffins, so I had a cinnamon roll with a café con leche. Notice the coffee she carefully brought to my table. I asked her if she couldn’t fill it any more. 😊


I left about 9:15 with the intention of having another coffee at Parva until I got hungry then I would have a breakfast sandwich at Los Porteños. On my way I saw Glenn with Bianca arriving at Ganso y Castor. I joined them for about an hour then moved to Parva for coffee.

Laura texted me and we made plans to meet for lunch. I left about 12:30 and walked to Asados Rogelio where Laura soon joined me. We had the menu of the day for 29mil each.

She went to get a massage and I returned to the apt.

I was looking at the Ganso y Castor menu and I noticed Costillas de Res. Could they really have beef ribs here? Could they be any good? I certainly intend to find out. I see they also advertise a BLT and a chicken Cesar sandwich.

Laura left at 9:30 to go dancing. She was in full makeup in Daisy Dukes shorts.

I don’t think we’ve had rain since the 1st of December.

I finished reading John Grisham’s The Judge’s List on my Nook.


The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 120,737  ð 118,561 ð 120,967 new cases and 1,302 ð 1,294 ð 1,310 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday, Colombia has a total of 1,915 ð 1,627 ð 1,685 new cases with 55 ð 40 ð 42 new deaths. Medellin has 347 ð 289 ð 283 new cases from December 9th to 10th. Envigado has 13 ð 20 ð 11 new cases from December 9th to 10th.


Joke of the day

A PESSIMIST sees a dark tunnel.

An OPTOMIST sees light at the end of the tunnel.

A REALIST sees a freight train.

The TRAIN DRIVER sees 3 idiots standing on the tracks.

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