Friday, June 16, 2023

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Last night I went to bed at 9:15, got up once during the night, again at 5:15 (that’s what happens when you go to bed at 9:15), did my Kegel exercises, fell back asleep finally waking/getting up at 7am.

We haven’t been to Pricesmart since April 26th so Teresa says it’s time. I informed her I’m having coffee with Marcos at 9am so we decided to go right after lunch.

I met Marcos at Parva and got several of my travel questions answered: 1. Each Air BnB should have a hair dryer so Teresa doesn’t need to bring one but I need to confirm that. 2. For a long-haul flight neck pillows are worth having. 3. In Madrid there is an electronics store Vodafone (Puerta del sol, 13, 28013) very close to our hostel where we can buy sim cards and electric plug adapters. 4. I need to rethink bringing my laptop. 5. I need to think about how I’m going to use my 110V shaver in a 220V Europe. 6. My cellphone uses a USB-C cable so I’ll need an adaptor for it. Teresa’s cellphone uses a USB-A cable so I can use the adaptor Marcos loaned me for hers.

For new movies playing in Cine Colombia, My Wife’s Story aka The Story of My Wife (6.3) is playing at 4:50pm and 8:40pm.

The family that lives in the apartment directly across the street has 2 dogs, a white husky and an older white labrador. One-night last week the husky was out on their balcony howling for quite some time. I thought it was just because he was alone. Now I don’t see the white lab any longer so I think maybe it died and the husky was in mourning.

Teresa wasn’t feeling well because of the medicine (chemo) she takes every afternoon. I told her we could go another afternoon but she soon felt better. We left the apt at 2:45 and took a Didi to Pricesmart. While I was downstairs retrieving a cart, I wanted to recycle a few items but the recycling area was gone. Back upstairs we picked up 1,084,732 pesos ($259.36) of groceries including 3 turkey breasts.

Outside the cashier area Teresa wanted a latte at their café. She then took out the cake we just bought and we dug in with spoons she got from the cashier.

Downstairs it was a short wait for a taxi to return us to our apt. Porteros still won’t let taxis unload in the garage so we had to switch things from the taxi to a cart in the parking lot.

Well, that was interesting. I was watching CNN when Teresa saw on her cellphone, they found the dog that was with the 4 children found in the jungle. She didn’t know if it was true or not so she asked me to put on Colombian news. For a change I didn’t close out IPTV but just switched from HDM4 to HDM1 and Teresa could see her program but I could still hear the CNN audio on my headphones. I could still here it later when I turned off the TV. 😊

Teresa informed me that because Sunday is Father’s Day, we’re going to move the finca trip to Saturday.


America’s Decline into Idiocy


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