Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

Today was another sunny day but one with a slight cool breeze.
Because there aren’t any exercise classes for the remainder of the year the ladies were in no hurry to get to the gym.  We left at noon and I did an hour and 15 minutes on all machines but one.  Today I weighed in at 80 kilos.  I’m sure that increase isn’t all due to muscle – probably too many Maizatos (local version of corn chips like Fritos but not as tasty), Churros, French Fries at Bocados Bar and Coca Cola.

I left the apt at 3:10 and waiting for a bus one passed without stopping – maybe he didn’t see me.  I had to wait 10-15 minutes for another one.  I took the metro to San Antonio where I transferred to the west line and got off at Floresta Station.  Walking down the street I noticed 3 soldiers outside one building, 2 outside the next and 3 more outside the third.  They all seemed to be on high alert with their semi-automatic weapons at their side.  I have no idea what was going on.

I arrived at the barber shop and was told my usual barber was resting (probably what we would call “on break”).  I told him I would come back and I walked across the street to an apartment building where I rang the bell.  I told the “porteria” (doorman) that I was there for Beatriz.  He let me in and showed me a note and I gave him the 115mil that Teresa owed her for things she picked up last time we were there and he gave me a “spoon” that I was supposed to pick up for her.

Back at the barber shop my usual barber wasn’t there so I took who was available.  This time I allowed him to use the #2 attachment for trimming my beard and moustache and I could have allowed him to cut more off the top but hey, what do you want for 10,000 pesos (about $3).

I walked 2 blocks to the chess league building.  Walking back from the restroom I saw several young girls practicing chess in one of the rooms.  Rounding a corner I almost ran into the International Master – Juan Sierra? – I lost to in a simultaneous in Envigado last summer.

Outside I saw a posting for an amateur chess tournament this weekend – 1 game on Friday, and 2 each day from Saturday thru Tuesday.  But after thinking about it I decided to wait until after National Football League season.  Maybe I can play in a tournament in January or February.

When I got back to the apt I found that the new pads had been delivered for the kitchen chairs.  The padding they used is pretty hard but I guess it’ll soften up.

I told Teresa I want to see the movie Snowden in Mayorca tomorrow but that she probably wouldn’t like it.  So while I’m in the theatre she said she and her mother would go shopping.

I did another hour on Chess Magnet School – I’m 48% towards my next promotion.

I watched some Monday Night Football.

T-shirt of the day: Put money in my pocket.

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