Monday, December 19, 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016

I slept well only getting up once after being awakened at 4am by fireworks.  I finally got up at 9am.

At 11am I made a quick trip to Exito which could have been quicker had there not been so many people in line.

On my way there I stopped in a side less tent and picked up a brochure about the new rapid bus system that they are building on Avenida Poblado (Carrera 43A).  Now they are working on the infrastructure and I understand it is due for completion next November.  If I understand the map on the brochure it will run from the south side of Envigado north to Aguacatala station and then west and then run south to Itagui.

I made microwave popcorn and then watched my Chicago Bears lose to the Green Bay Packers 30-27.  (But we’re on track to have the 4th pick in the 2017 draft.) 

About 3pm I heard an unmistakable sound and looked outside and saw 2 men on horseback riding down the street.  Where do they think they are – Caldas?

The black king for my leather chess set broke completely in half.  With difficulty I repaired it and another piece with superglue and Scotch tape.

I watched the pilot episode of Battlestar Galactica from my external hard drive.

T-shirt of the day: Ym si siht. Trihs eifles.

(The letters and words were backwards so when held up to a mirror it said “This is my selfie shirt.”)

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