Saturday, June 8, 2019

Friday, June 7, 2019

Last night I took my Zopiclona and went to bed at 10:45.  I fell asleep quickly and woke up at 2:30.  I noticed it was raining outside, I fell back asleep quickly and woke up at 6:15 and got up at 7am.

My back feels a little stronger with no pain.

My cellphone is 100% charged and seems to be working fine.  Whew!  I guess the protective case I bought for it a couple years ago really paid off.

I couldn’t get the satellite channel with the Today show this morning so I left for the gym a few minutes early.  I completed all my exercises in 90 minutes.  I was happy I was able to walk back and forth AND complete all my exercises without the need for a pain pill.

I asked the portero if she (so, portera?) if they had any mail for us.  She gave me our Une wifi bill and something else which the best I can figure is that they are going to turn off our gas if we don’t give them a receipt that we got a clean bill of health from the gas inspector.

At 11:30 it started raining again.  Poor Teresa will be coming back from the gym soon - unless she decides to wait it out.  Luckily it was over by 12:15 and she returned at 1pm.

Among new US movie releases there isn’t anything I want to see.  The Fall of the American Empire (7.3) looks interesting but because the original language is French, here it will be in French and/or Spanish.

Locally, I would like to see John Wick (8.0) which is playing at 7pm tonight.  Because it’s a weekend I want to buy tickets early but Teresa only wants to go if it isn’t raining which makes my decision a bit harder.

I received another voice mall message to my magicJack Chicago phone number and again it was in Chinese.

I watched lessons 18-29 of Simon Williams’ The Killer Dutch DVD.

I suggested that I go to the theater early to buy tickets but Teresa didn’t go for that idea.

It was 6:20pm when Teresa, who was on the phone talking to who knows who, motioned for me to get dressed.  I did, she changed her blouse, I filled my water bottle and we left the apt at 6:35.  At Cine Colombia there were no seats available for the further, upper level that Teresa prefers.  But the lower section is a Platinum preferred seating area and after she finished a prolonged discussion with the cashier in Spanish I bought 2 tickets for 23,600 each ($7).  In the Platinum zone Teresa ordered chicken nuggest and I ordered a small popcorn to share.  She really liked the ‘EZ back” chairs.

The movie was 2 hours and 10 minutes long so I was happy I set my RunPee app to vibrate just before the best times to take a potty break.  I used the 2nd one which occurred about 1 hour into the movie.  The movie is almost nonstop action with lots of killing (and breaking of safety glass, you have to see the movie to understand).

A few minutes before the movie finished I was a little embarrassed when my phone rang.  As quickly as I could I turned it off.  After we exited the theater while Teresa went for a potty break I looked and it was Chuck.  I called him back and he said he gifted his old phone to a relative but now he’s not getting his text messages.  I told him he’d probably have to move his Sim card from his old to his new phone but he might have to register both Sim cards to their new phones.  I recommended he visit Monterrey mall and find someone who speaks English to answer his questions.

We walked back to the apt arriving at 9:55pm.

On the news there was a video showing Anjelina Jolie visiting some small town in Colombia. 

6,709 steps today.

Joke of the day
An elderly lady went to the doctor and asked for his help in reviving her husband’s passion.
“Why don’t you give him Viagra?” the doctor asked.
“Oh, no,” the woman replied.  “He doesn't even take aspirin for a headache!”
“That’s not a problem,” the doctor told her.  “Just crush up the pill and slip it into his coffee. He’ll never even know.”
Several days later, the old woman returned to the doctor, and he asked her if his suggestions worked.
“Oh, Doctor!” she exclaimed. “It was horrible! I did just as you said and as soon as he finished his coffee, he jumped up from the table, ripped off my clothes and took me right there on the table, we made love for a whole hour!!” 
“And that was horrible?” the doctor asked, puzzled.
“Oh, the love making was wonderful!” the old woman exclaimed...
But I can never show my face in that coffee shop again!"

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