Friday, June 14, 2019

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Last night I fell asleep quickly and despite getting up 2-3 times during the night I still felt I slept well finally getting up at 7:30.

About 8am it started raining but didn’t last very long.  At least it should hold the temperature down today, with a prediction of 79 degrees.

Teresa reminded me that Sunday is Father’s Day.  I called Marriott and made 1pm reservations for 2 for their buffet brunch.  We’ll see how that works out – with the hotel and with Teresa.  No prisa, no prisa!  Lol.

Teresa left to see the oncologist to review her blood test results.
At noon I changed clothes and walked up to Persimmon (sp?).  I was early so I decided to walk to the next corner to check on the new café/bar.  Chuck was waiting for me outside on a bench.  (Poor old man was tired from his walk.  LOL)

We went to Empire NY Pizza and ordered a medium Italian sausage & pepperoni pizza.  It was delicious although pretty greasy.  The Italian sausage seemed to be very authentic so I gave it an A- and Chuck gave it a B+.  Next time I would like to try one with just the Italian sausage.

We went to the bakery where I had a café con leche and a delicious almond croissant and Chuck had an American coffee (tinto) and a brownie.  If my croissant had had some frosting on top I would have thought I was at the Deerfield (IL) bakery.

Chuck had a number of questions about a couple forms he needs to print, sign and mail back to the US.

I was surprised when a young lady there informed us that the bakery has wifi.

We spent some time trying to figure out how to get his Apple computer to copy his email attachments to my flashdrive.

We walked to the copy center near my old apt and had the documents printed from my flash drive.

We walked the rest of the way downtown where I bought another plastic envelope.  (Teresa keeps borrowing mine.)

Across the street I tried to withdraw cash at Banco Caja Social but the ATM told me it couldn’t do that right now.

We went to Bartolos where he had a bottle of water and I had a small lemonade.

At one point he went across the street and bought a rum raisin ice cream cone and when he returned I went to the other ATM location and withdrew 700mil.  I was surprised I was given 2 10s and all the rest were 20s.

We soon said goodbye and I walked to Cotrafa where I paid the utility bill – no line, only 1 person at the cashier.

On my walk back to the apt it started raining lightly.  I stopped at the flower store and bought 15 roses for 15mil (less than $5).

I put up my umbrella and walked back to the apt.

Teresa had returned from the doctor and she reported that everything looks good although she has some minor osteoporosis but she is already taking Calcium for that.  She also was told by the doctor that a side effect of her medication is gaining weight.  Uh-oh!  Teresa says she’ll have to go to the gym everyday.

We had a breeze come through the kitchen that was so strong it completely unrolled our roll of paper towels.  Guess who had to roll them back up?

I watched lessons 7-15 from Disc 1 of Simon Williams’ Killer French Defence.

6,590 steps today.

Joke of the day
A little old lady who had lost her marbles was running up and down the halls in a nursing home.
As she ran, she would flip up the hem of her nightgown and say "Supersex."
She ran up to an elderly man in a wheelchair, flipping her gown at him, she said, "Supersex." He sat silently for a moment or two and finally answered, "I'll take the soup."

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