Sunday, June 16, 2019

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Last night I got up 2-3 times during the night, finally waking/getting up at 7:30.  We obviously got some rain overnight.

Ruben, an old chess playing friend reminded me that in the 1978-1979 season of the Chicago Industrial Chess League I had a record of 13 wins, 1 draw, and no losses.  He also sent me an 18-move masterpiece that I played in a tournament back in 1975.

I left the apt at 9:15 and walked to Otra Parte.  Chuck arrived by 9:30.  We took a taxi to Envios Market. I picked up my June Chess Life magazine and 2 Capitol One credit card offers.  It took quite a while but Chuck eventually managed to send his birth certificate and an application to Mississippi requesting an apostilled copy of his marriage certificate to be returned to him in Medellin.  I understand it is going Fed-Ex, it cost $80 and he should have his apostilled marriage certificate by next week.

We walked to the other side of Parque Poblado to Dunkin Donuts where we ordered coffee and then talked to 4 gringos.

We walked across the street where I bought some vitamins for Teresa.

We walked up to Parque Lleras where we had lunch at Ay Caramba!  I noticed that Colombian flags and pennants were being put up outside businesses for tonight’s big match with Argentina.  
We talked briefly with another gringo couple who were here for their son’s wedding.

We walked around several blocks where Chuck was searching for a particular café where we could have coffee.  We ended up back at the park and settled down at Beer Town where we had cold drinks.  
We met a gringo named Marty from Montana via Costa Rica who owns a condo nearby.

A strawberry salesman came by and I inquired how much it would cost for a bag of strawberries.  He said 15mil and offered me a bag with about a dozen strawberries.  I told him to fill the bag and he added a few more.  I thought he was trying to cheat me so I told him I was no longer interested.  At the Envigado metro station I used to get a bag that’s filled completely for 12mil.

About 2:30 we left and took a taxi back to Envigado and I was back at the apt by 3pm.

Teresa left at 5pm to go the mall with her mother.  I stayed back in the apt to watch the Colombia vs Argentina match.  Teresa came back with MT a few minutes later.

In the first half Colombia seemed to put more pressure on Argentina but at halftime the score was still 0-0.  In the 2nd half Argentina seemed to increase their pressure but Colombia finally scored.  We heard the cheering about 5 seconds before we saw it because it takes that long to get to the satellite and back down to our apt.  A little later Colombia scored again to ice the match 2-0.  I guess that means we won’t be getting any sleep tonight!
MT left a few minutes later.

I watched lessons 23-28 from Disc 1 of Simon Williams’ Killer French Defence.

I watched lessons 1-12 from Disc 2 of Simon Williams’ Killer French Defence.

5,966 steps today.

Joke of the day
A lonely widow, aged 70, decided that it was time to get married again. She put an ad in the local paper that read:
On the second day, she heard the doorbell. 
Much to her surprise (and dismay), she opened the door to see a grey-haired gentleman sitting in a wheelchair. He had no arms or legs. 
The old woman said, “You're not really asking me to consider you, are you? Just look at have no legs!”
The old man smiled, “Therefore, I cannot run around on you!”
She snorted, “You don't have any arms either!”
Again, the old man smiled, “Therefore, I can never beat you!”
She raised an eyebrow and asked intently, “Are you still good in bed???”
The old man leaned back, beamed a big smile and said, 
“Rang the doorbell, didn't I?”

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