Sunday, June 30, 2019

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Despite getting up 4 times during the night (too much water) I slept well finally waking/getting up at 8:15.

Nothing to eat or drink for me until my x-ray is finished around noon.

I dressed in shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt and we left the apt at 10:20.  The taxi driver was driving so herky-jerky I was feeling seasick.  I complained and he soon was driving much smoother.  We arrived at Nueve Eps across from the stadium at 10:50, 50 minutes early for my appointment.  We took our number from a machine and soon learned that we chose the wrong option so we had to go back for another.  Luckily, there was no line.  We went into a smaller waiting room and they called my name after about a 5-minute wait.  I went into a back room area and I was lost as to where to go next.  Teresa soon joined me and got me into the x-ray room.  She sent me into a back closet-like area where I removed my shoes, my watch and my shorts.  I went back to the x-ray room and laid on my back on a cold table.  A young lady came in and adjusted the “camera” then went into the back area with my clothes and came back out a second later.  She then had me lie on my left side and she took another photo.  I put my clothes back on and we left.  I didn’t have to pay anything and Teresa told me I could return next Friday to see if my test results are ready.  She said she thinks I have a little osteoporosis or kidney problem.  But then I don’t trust her medical degree aka watching internet videos.

We were back in Envigado on Avenida Poblado by the official time of my appointment.  We got off at La Bahia where we had their menu of the day for 12mil each.  I think I mentioned a few weeks ago when we came here I walked up the stairs and then there is a dropoff on the side that shook me up quite a bit.  Well, today the dropoff is all filled in with cement.  Teresa called her mother but there was no answer.

I noticed that my step counter showed only about 34 and I knew that couldn’t be right.  I think it has trouble when I’m wearing shorts because the pockets are diagonal instead of horizontal.  Anyway, I took it off and put it in my tech bag and later I noticed it was working again.

We went across the street to the mall and she went shopping while I went upstairs to get a haircut.  It was 12:45 and I was told to come back in 15 minutes.  I went down to Home Center and checked out their floor fans.  I found a nice Würden fan for 199mil ($62.50).  I was back upstairs right at 1pm.  I sat outside and by 1:20 I was considering leaving and going somewhere else for my haircut.  Five minutes later I was called in and sat in a barber chair but the barber took 10 minutes to finish with his previous customer.  I finally got a decent haircut for 25mil.

I walked to the elevator and looked down but didn’t see Teresa in Café Arangos.  I went downstairs to the mall entrance and called her but as usual she didn’t answer.

I ordered a café con leche at Habia Una Vez and soon after it arrived Teresa called me and informed me that she and MT were upstairs at Café Arangos.  Sigh!

I drank half my coffee then headed upstairs.  They were sitting in a spot where I wouldn’t have been able to see them from the 4th floor.

I really didn’t feel like starting another coffee so I was happy that Teresa wanted to go for ice cream.  We went down to Percimon where she and I had yogurt with blueberries.  They shopped around a bit and then they left and I went into Home Center and bought the bedroom fan for 199mil ($62.50).  I carried it back to the apt and it works great.

Teresa returned from visiting with her mom and she said she wanted to go to La Doctora for dinner.  Fine with me.  I put a 1mil coin and 2 500 peso coins in my pocket just in case we should encounter a street person.  About 7:15 we walked to the restaurant and today I tried the ribs while Teresa had trout.  The ribs were only so-so, certainly not up to par with Mu.  Still, I ended up with about 40% left to go.  A guy came by sellling packages of gum and I stood up and took a 1 mil coin out of my pocket and gave it to him.

On the way back to the apt we stopped in Exito and bought some carrots, apples and a bag of milk.

Back at the apt I emptied my pockets and found the 1mil coin and the 2 500 peso coins.  Huh?  And I know my pockets started out empty because I put on a clean pair of jeans.

Teresa informed me she has to go to the finca tomorrow so I’m on my own for breakfast and lunch.

5,598+ steps today.

Joke of the day
During an outbreak of Mad Cow disease, a reporter descends on a farm to interview a cow farmer. 
In a rural program for farmers, a female TV reporter, seeking the main cause of mad cow disease, arranged for an interview with a farmer for his take on the matter.
The lady reporter: “I am here to collect information on the possible sources of mad cow disease.  Can you offer any reason for this disease?”
The farmer stared at the reporter and said: “Did you know that a bull mounts a cow only once a year?”
Reporter (obviously embarrassed): “Well, sir, that’s a new piece of information.  But what’s the relation between this phenomenon and mad cow disease?”
Farmer: “Miss, did you know that we milk a cow twice a day?”
Reporter: “Sir, this is really valuable information, but how about getting to the point.”
Farmer: “I’m getting to the point, miss.”  “Just imagine, if I was playing with your breasts twice a day…and only screwing you once a year.  Wouldn’t you get mad?”

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