Thursday, June 6, 2019

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Last night I took my Zopiclona and went to bed at 10:45.  I got up twice during the night and was awakened by a right calf cramp at 6am.  This time Teresa worked quickly and efficiently to help me work it out.  After that I just rested until getting up at 7am.

There was something on the news about protesters planting trees in the holes in the main highway between Bogota and Medellin.

I took half an Excedrin Migraine and headed for the gym.  For the first time in a long time we have blue skies with no clouds.  At the gym I completed all my exercises in 90 minutes.  On the way back to the apt I saw a few fluffy clouds.

At 2pm it started raining lightly.  It turned into a full thunderstorm and I had to call and cancel my appointment with the chiropractor.  I’m getting some push back from Teresa that it’s too expensive.  I think she wants me to get x-rays.

I got tired of asking Teresa if she wanted to see John Wick and having to show her the trailer again and again.  I showed it to her one last time and had her sign a paper saying that she wants to see it.  We tentatively agreed on Friday at 7pm.  I can probably buy tickets earlier so there won’t be any problem buying them on a weekend night.

News flash!  Teresa says that Luz Maria’s sister in Laureles doesn’t want her living with her anymore.  So, the idea is that Luz Maria will live in the finca and pay for the utilities and having the garden mowed every 2-3 months.  Teresa informed me that JJ wants to buy the finca in December or January and then Luz Maria will move into an apt that Teresa will pay for with the finca money.  Luz Maria will then pay a discounted rental.

Teresa left at 4:15 to help her mother buy groceries at Exito and then later she’ll call me and I’ll meet her at the mall.

I bought Simon Williams’ The Killer Dutch DVD lessons for $12.74.  I watched lessons 1-8.  These lessons are much shorter than the other DVD but there are 58 of them.

Teresa called me at 6:30 to inform me that the lines at La Vaquita are very long so she’ll call me later.  She called again at 7:15 and asked me to meet her at her MT’s apt and we would go for pizza.

When I arrived we started walking to catch a taxi and Teresa had the great idea of having dinner at Wilson’s bar.  We all had chicken breast and a juice and my piece was huge, so big that I ended up taking half of it home for lunch tomorrow.  It was also delicious.  There is a new, fancy looking Italian restaurant a couple stores down.

My son texted me asking if I wanted anything chess related for Father’s Day.  I told him I would like a new chess clock to replace the old one I have from the 1970’s.  It will probably cost about $50.

We finally left at 9:45.

7,731 steps today.

Joke of the day
A man walks into the doctor's office and says: "Doctor, my name is Mark, and I'd like to be castrated."
"What? Are you sure about this? Why?" asks the doctor, amazed.
"It's something I've been considering a long time and I'd like to have it done" replies Mark.
"But have you thought it through? REALLY through?" asks the concerned doctor, "It's a very serious operation and once it's done, there's no going back. It will change your life forever!"
"I'm aware of that and you're not going to change my mind, so please book me in to be castrated or I'll simply use another doctor."
"Well, OK," says the doctor, "But I'll have you know that it's against my better judgment!"
So Mark has his operation, and the next day he is up and walking very slowly, legs apart, down the hospital corridor with his drip stand. Heading towards him is another patient, who is walking exactly the same way.
"Hi there," says Mark, "It looks as if you've just had the same operation as me."
"Yes, it seems like it," said the patient. "As for me, I finally decided after 37 years of life that it was time for me to be circumcised."
Mark stared at him in horror and screamed: "Dammit! THAT was the word!!!"


  1. Hey Terry, nice to find your blog.
    I think we briefly discussed this last time we met, but do you take Zopiclona for sleep? I take Trazodone - it puts me to sleep quickly but often wake up very early and am unable to get back to sleep. Hence, I would consider something else.

  2. I have the same problem with Zopiclona. It get me to sleep quickly but i still wake up twice during the night. But maybe it will work for you, try it!
