Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Monday, December 9, 2019

Last night I took half a Zopiclona and went to bed at 10:30.  I fell asleep pretty quickly, got up once at 5:30, went back to bed and finally got up for good at 6:45.

Teresa had already left for the gym and then she will go to her pre procedure appointment.

I left the apt at 9:30 and 5 minutes later I was at the gym.  Today I did a weigh-in and I’m at 78.5 kilos (173.1 pounds).  I increased my treadmill speed from 6.2 to 6.4 and I completed all my exercises in and hour and 10 minutes.

Back at the apt Teresa called me at 12:30 and informed me that I’m on my own for lunch.  (I think she could have figured that out earlier.)

I walked to the mall and went to the travel store – Viajes Exito but someone was already there with someone else waiting.  In the mall I had the chicken teriyaki at Sarku’s.  In the Claro office I paid for both our cellphone plans for last month.  I went back to Viajes Exito where I found a sign that the rep would be back in 15 minutes.  Not wanting to wait outside in the heat, I went to Todo Fresa where I had a café con leche while solving some more chess puzzles.

About 3:30 I returned to Viajes Exito where someone was being served with 2 others waiting.  My wait was 45 minutes before it was my turn.  He didn’t speak English but I managed to get a couple package quotes for Cartagena for 4 people in February:
·       Cartagena Plaza (4*) 3,617,000 pesos ($1069)
·       Hotel Playa Club (3*) 3,372,800 ($981).
Both prices are per person and include round-trip airfare, hotel for 3 nights, and all meals.
I was going to ask the rep about an area called La Guajira but I forgot.

I returned to the apt after purchasing a couple bags of milk from the next door Exito.

I understand Teresa can’t eat anything other than soup broth today.
I texted my brother the Cartagena packages I found and he replied he was looking for something less expensive so we’re still searching.

Laura called and she put the 5-year old twins on the phone.  One is named Savannah and the other Scarlett.

Teresa wants me to wake her up at 4am tomorrow.  I told her my cellphone and wrist watch don’t work as timers.  I downloaded an alarm and set it for 4am but who knows if it will work.

One of the porteros stopped by and dropped off our Une and epm bills.

10,737 steps today.

Joke of the day
Three older gentlemen sat down at the park for a conversation.
"There's no worse age than 70," says the youngest, "You always feel like you have to pee, and most of the time you try and try and nothing comes out!"
"That's nothing," said the 80-year-old, "80 is a much worse age. You can't even do your business anymore. You take laxatives then sit on the toilet for hours waiting for something to come out!"
“Actually,” said the oldest one, "90 is the worst age of all!"
"Do you have trouble peeing too?" asked the 70-year-old.
"Not really. I pee every morning like clockwork at 6:00am."
"Do you have trouble crapping?" asked the 80-year-old.
"Not at all, I do my business every day promptly at 6:30am."
The 70-year-old looked at him funny. "Let me get this straight, you pee at 6am and you crap at 6:30am? So what's the problem?"
"I don't get up until 7:00!"

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