Thursday, September 23, 2021

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Recovery Day #87!

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, got up 3-4 times to go to the toilet, put in my eyedrops, did my Kegel exercises and got up at 8am.

I decided I’m unable to concentrate due to getting up 4 times during the night so I texted Juan Carlos I wouldn’t be having any chess lessons and Jose I wouldn’t be playing any OTB chess until my sleep improves.

We left the apt at 11am and took a taxi to Torre Medica #1 in El Tesoro. After checking in and paying 89mil for this physiotherapy session it was just a short wait until I was called back. I made a quick trip to the restroom, changed into one of those glamorous hospital gowns and went in back. Teresa seemed surprised when I asked her to join me. Seeing me lying on my back on the examination table I asked her to imagine my brother sitting where she was sitting. 😊 Embarrassing! Maria, the physiotherapist, told me I should not drink water after 6pm to alleviate the need to get up during the night. Only exception, a few swallows for necessary pills. Also, she wants me to go to the toilet every hour tomorrow, then every hour and five minutes the next day, then every hour and ten minutes the next day, etc.

I questioned her about direction #6 on the list she gave me and I still don’t understand it completely. It seems to be something obvious like sitting up straight on the toilet.

We had our usual lunch in J&C Delicias. She shopped for clothes in Zara while I tried to catnap on an outside sofa. Walking by Skechers Teresa dragged me inside claiming I needed new shoes. Well, they do need a good cleaning. I checked the bottoms and there wasn’t a lot of tread, so I guess she was right. I tried on Colombian sizes 39 (8), 40 (9), and 41 (9 ½) and the 9’s fit perfectly (at least they will as soon as I trim my toenails). They cost 224,900 ($59) so that wasn’t too painful.

She then surprised me by asking if we could have coffee and share a muffin in Starbucks. She had some caramel mocha thingy (she said it was too sweet) and I had my usual café mocha and we shared a slice of carrot cake.

There was only a 5-minute wait for a taxi back to the apt. (I believe Teresa understands now to tell the taxi drivers to go south until we hit Calle 20 sur then head down to Avenida Poblado.)

I tried taking a nap, but I don’t think I slept for long if at all.

Teresa talked to Laura then was on the phone checking on prices for our Christmas getaway.

Here’s where we are so far: Hotel Mariscal in Santafe de Antioquia, [Yes, Jim, I remember. Lol.] 4 bedrooms for 4 nights December 24-28, 4,700,000 to be divided equally by the men ($413). The princess, MT, will have her own room. Laura will pay for everything now and I will reimburse my share (probably in dollars) when she arrives in December. The delay is good because I will have to pay for my new visa next month.

Teresa talked to MT and I heard the name Lydia mentioned several times. After they hung up I learned that MT’s daughter Lydia bought an apt in Sabaneta and will be moving here. She needs to have surgery and MT may need to take care of her. Laura talked to Wilson and I understand he has some problem with his skin and sun. To be continued.

Just after 9pm a downpour started and it was still raining hard when I went to bed at 10pm.


The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 137,295 ð 134,036 ð 130,592 new cases and 2,087 ð 2,045  Ã° 2,075 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday, Colombia has a total of 1,185 ð 1,378 ð 1,581 new cases with 29 ð 38 ð 44 new deaths.  Medellin has 178 ð 247 ð 237 new cases from September 21st to 22nd. Envigado has 9 ð 4 ð 10 new cases from September 21st to 22nd.


T-shirt of the day

Don’t worry about tomorrow. This is the moment. Make your dreams come true.

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