Friday, October 8, 2021

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Recovery Day #105!

Last night I went to bed at 10:15, woke/got up to go to the toilet, noticed it was unusually light out, checked my watch, and it was 5:30am. I did it, I finally slept through the night. Was it because of the machine? Was it because I only ate an apple last night and didn’t drink anything? Anyway, I feel great and I’m going to try to repeat that again tonight.

I went back to bed, put in my eyedrops, did my Kegel exercises, couldn’t fall back asleep, finally getting up at 6:15. Teresa was already up as she has to go to eps early this morning, so I’ll be having breakfast out.

I left the apt at 7:45 and gifted a piece of English toffee to the portero. I walked to the mall where I first made a trip to the restroom. I was sitting on the toilet when it suddenly occurred to me that I forgot my keys. Drat! Often Teresa goes out without her keys and if she did, we’ll be screwed. I called her right away and luckily, she was in the apt. I explained what happened so she would take her keys. I had breakfast at Habia Una Vez and I gave Maritza a piece of toffee. I had coffee in Todo Fresa where I gave each of the workers a piece of toffee. Teresa called me about 11am and asked me to meet her at Wilson’s restaurant for lunch. I told her it was probably a good idea if I first got a haircut. She agreed.

I took the elevator up the third floor where I saw a new area for manicures/pedicures called Recifes. I asked if an appointment was necessary and I think she said yes as she gave me a business card but I understand I can book using Whataspp.

In Celebrity Barber Shop I asked for Daniel but was sent to John. I told him I wanted #3 for my beard & moustache, #4 for the side of my head and #5 for the top. The top ended up only about ½” long so obviously he didn’t follow my instructions. (Teresa was happy with the length but I won’t go to him again.)

I walked to Wilson’s restaurant where I found Teresa waiting for me, but she had already eaten. I had the chicken breast with a Coke while Teresa went to get her mother. Before we left I gave Wilson and Martha a piece of toffee. Teresa, MT, and I walked to the mall where they took care of some business in Bancolombia while I had a café con leche with a slice of carrot cake in Todo Fresa. They joined me later and the had coffee with some type of pastry. We left about 3:30 and returned to our respective apartments by taxi.

Teresa and I left at 6:45 and took a taxi to Antica Pizza in La Mesa. We each had a slice of their pizza while Teresa chatted with Gloria, the owner’s wife.

We were back at the apt by 8pm.

I did my TENS 3000 procedure, this time setting the intensity to 4. After I finished, the area of the nerve itched a little. I was wondering, since the manual discusses pain so much, if this could somehow be used for the osteoarthritis in my back if it gets any worse.

The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 101,668 ð 101,262 ð 99,669 new cases and 1,807 ð 1,810 ð 1,764 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday, Colombia has a total of 1,211 ð 1,293 ð 1,677 new cases with 30 ð 32  ð 30 new deaths.  Medellin has 175 ð 263 ð 228 new cases from October 6th to 7th. Envigado has 5 ð 2 ð 7 new cases from October 6th to 7th.

Interesting signs

Don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t cheat, don’t sell drugs. The government hates competition.

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