Saturday, September 17, 2022

Friday, September 16, 2022

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, fell asleep quickly, got up once during the night (it was raining), fell back asleep quickly and finally woke/got up at 6:30.

The plan for today is Teresa has an 8am gym class, I will meet her at Los Porteños for breakfast, I have to pay the Direct TV bill whether it’s at the Gana kiosk in La Buena Mesa or $efecty on Las Vegas near Maca.

Teresa left at 8am.

I brought up our suitcase from the garage storage closet and put it in the guest bedroom so Teresa can start packing.

I left at 8:30 and walked to Los Porteños where I had coffee while waiting for Teresa to arrive at 9am. She had her usual ham croissant sandwich and I had my usual croissant with scrambled eggs.

She left for a 10am massage. Afterward she wants to get her hair done because she’s going out with girlfriends tonight and tomorrow is Dia de Amor y Amistad so I may be on my own for lunch. I stopped at the Gana kiosk and after a 10-minute wait I asked if I could pay my Direct TV bill there. She asked me something I didn’t understand then pointed to the Bancolombia window. I walked across the street and after another 10-minute wait in line I understood I could only pay there if I had a physical bill in hand.

I walked to $efecty near Maca where I paid the Direct TV bill. Across the street I took a Sabaneta bus to the mall. I had a lot of pages to print including chess notes. Upstairs I made a withdrawal using my Charles Schwab card. I found a nice short sleeved shirt for about 50mil but first I need Teresa’s approval. I found another in Arturo Calle.  I was having coffee in Santa Leña when Teresa called at 12:30 and asked me to pick up chicken from Frisby. I understand her gf is picking her up at 3pm. After a 10-minute wait in line I ordered the chicken and coleslaw but sin: papas, arepas, gaseosa, cubiertos plastico, y guantes plastico. After a trip to the restroom, I still had a 10-minute wait for my order. I had another 10-minute wait outside for a taxi back to the apt.

Teresa couldn’t get her hair done because she didn’t have an appointment and the wait was too long. She found a thingy in my suitcase. I explained that it allows you to attach a carryon to the suitcase giving you a free hand.

She left at 3pm.

I had received an email from Dr. Tache, Jacob’s father, with a short questionnaire to fill out. I returned it filled out and mentioned that my sleep has improved in the past month but if there’s anything he can suggest I would appreciate it.

I watched more episodes of For All Mankind on MTV.

Teresa returned at 7:30. She reported they ate at a restaurant a long way away, almost in Rionegro.


Funny pix

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