Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

Last night, Beatriz came over after 7pm and told me her cousin Christina has a brother (Staba?) who is a drug addict.  Tuesday he disappeared and Wednesday at 5pm she was told his body was found in Sabaneta.  She said they always knew it would end like this for him someday.  He left behind a wife and two children: 7 years old and a baby.  Beatriz is in charge of the office until the funeral but she said she will stop by again tonight.  Not sure if that means she will be able, and want to, see the movie.  She wants me to call her today at noon.

She asked for and I gave her 60mil.

She left soon after and about 8pm I decided to see if I could find Jhon or Bob or if not I would try to get something to eat at Viva.  Jhon’s office was closed but I found Bob at the corner store with 2 Colombianos (Colombian men) and Margarita.  In Bob & Margarita’s on again, off again relationship I understand they are on again.  We had a good time, laughing and trying to figure out what the other was saying.  Bob understands Spanish (so he says) better than I but I can speak more Spanish then he.  Bob kept saying “Me idioto but me no stupido”.  And he gave one of the men his first English lesson “You suck!”.  They keep telling him he’s a “malo hombre” – “bad man”, while they tell me I’m the “bueno hombre” “good man”, maybe because I don’t drink, or smoke, or swear.

I was there until they started closing just before 11.  I had 3 Cokes, 2 packages of potato chips and a small package of 2 cookies.  When I got back to my apartment I took my medicine and went to bed.  I didn’t have any trouble getting to sleep, got up once during the night and finally woke/got up at 7:10, feeling good!

I took some money out of the ATM and had breakfast at Bunuelo Express.  I bought a stepstool for 34,950 at Exito so the cleaning lady can reach the high places.  I forgot to mention last week that Exito has an aisle just for Halloween decorations and costumes for children.  I stopped at Jhon’s office on the way back and gave him his English word for the day – “rue”, with an example.

The exchange rate for Colombian Pesos to the Dollar has really fallen.  When I checked this morning it was 1899.50.

I found a small lizard, caught him easily and put him outside.  I moved some Gente newspapers from one location to another in the garage and found a large cockroach; soon to be squashed.

My brother isn’t going to be able to come here in December, most likely February or April of next year.

Now I’m having a new problem with Rosetta Stone.  I believe I’m almost done with Level 1 but it takes me to a screen “Explore all activities for Unit 1”.  When I click on that it takes me to a screen to login to my account.  After I’ve done that it takes me to a “Welcome to Rosetta Stone” screen – like I’ve never been here before – where it notifies me “you don’t currently have online services”.  I understand that my eTotal only lasted for 3 months but I don’t see how I can continue without enrolling in their Extended Online Access for:

1 month - $10

3 months - $25

6 months - $45

9 months  - $65

15 months - $99.

I’m not really interested in EOA, I just want to continue studying Spanish.  I sent them an email requesting help.

The expected high temp today is supposed to be 80 degrees with a 30% chance of rain so I decided to wear jeans and shoes today.  It turned out to be manageable, even with all the walking I did.

Lunch was a small hot dog, chips, and large Pepsi at Dogger for 10mil.

On my way over to Dario’s I ran into Augusto.  We decided to meet again for chess tomorrow at 4pm.

At Dario’s we only played one game and I had black.  Lately he’s been making a mistake in the opening whereby he isn’t able to castle and protect his king.  Same thing today but this time he made another mistake on his 17th move and I was able to take his bishop and he resigned.

Back at the apartment I left my chess set and went to Viva mall where I had a vanilla soft serve cone at Burger King for 1,600 pesos.  I went into Exito and bought another jar of Juan Valdez decaffeinated coffee for 12,480 and a can of Pam cooking spray for 15,900.  While there I ran into Margarita.  She didn’t know what I meant by Pam and my charades didn’t help so I found it and brought it to her as she was checking out.

On the way home I ran into Jhon who showed me an English bible his mother had given him.  On the cover it said “Placed by the Gideons” so you know what that meant.

Back at my apartment I bought the app for my iPad for 99 cents.

Beatriz was supposed to come over tonight but now it’s 8:40 and I haven’t heard anything and I just consumed a kilo of strawberries by myself.  Burp!

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