Thursday, October 20, 2016

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

I had a short talk with Jose at the gym and I learned he comes Monday thru Saturday for an hour each day.  He also commented, when I was doing 20 repetitions on one weight machine, that I should be doing fewer reps so I’m sure that means using heavier weight.  I still weigh 77.5 kilos.

I picked up a couple bags of milk at the corner store on my way back to the apt.

I left at 1pm and a Metro bus arrived after a 10 minute wait.  In one of the stations I saw an advertisement for The Voice, premiering September 22nd/23rd (not sure why there’s two dates).

At Dario’s store I invited him for lunch and a day of chess some Saturday or Sunday and he said that’s possible.  I lost the first game with the black pieces playing the Sicilian Defense but I felt pretty comfortable with this opening.  I won the second game in only 17 moves with a vicious attack with the white pieces playing the Giuoco Piano.

When I left the store it had cleared so I didn’t need to bring the umbrella I was carrying.

Crossing the street next to a Colombian woman we waited for a van to pass because there was sufficient space after it.  But it moved so slow that the following cars nearly caught up to it and then they honked their horns at us as we crossed.  The woman said something to me in Spanish and I said “we’re living dangerously” in English.

Walking back to the apt in Envigado I passed a man walking and carrying a tray, of those plastic bottles you store ketchup in, on his head.  First time I’ve seen something like that here.

I received an email that my membership expires in a month (on 11/21/16).  My Premium membership cost me $29 a year but I haven’t been using it anyway so I’ll let it expire.

We got a little rain in the evening.

I watched the Presidential debate on my slingbox.  After about the 43 minute mark I had to disconnect and reconnect a few times when the screen froze.

T-shirt of the day: Train hard.  No excuses.

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