Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday, March 8th, 2014

Last night I went to bed at 11:15, had some difficulty getting to sleep, got up once at 6am and finally woke/got up at 7:30.

Happy International Women’s Day!

I had breakfast at El Comedor de Chiva, saw Harry there and we confirmed our 6pm meeting.

At 9:15 I had a glass of orange juice just before the lady left for the day.  At 9:40 I was at the Tinto store waiting for Gonzalo to meet me at 10am.  I left at 10:30 without seeing or hearing from him.  

About noon I walked over to the Internet cafĂ© and had the lady print a copy of my address and laminate it for 2mil.  If the taxi drivers still can’t read it without their glasses I can have it made a little larger.

The Milord Producciones acting & modeling studio that opened across the street last October no longer has their sign up and there is a “for rent” sign on the garage.

From 1pm to 2:30 I had a small pizza at Pizza Americana across the street from the local park.  One of the delivery guys handed me a piece of paper with his English homework on it.  He had to use personal pronouns (I, we, they, etc.) in a series of questions and statements about the Simpsons.  I did it for him but I told him that wasn’t the best thing to do.  At 1:20 Harry called and told me his family has a guest and he would call me in 2 hours to let me know if we are meeting tonight or not.

They have a sign in the entrance to the kitchen advertising the collaboration of Galileo and Hillshire Farms meats.  Of course they have no idea what it says.  Since Italian Sausage was mentioned I asked one of the delivery men if they have it here and he said yes so I guess I’ll be trying an Italian Sausage pizza sometime soon.

I heard thunder in the distance as I was walking the 3 blocks back to my apartment.  We’ve had relatively cool weather the last few days with a lot of rain.

At 4:50 Harry called and told me his girlfriend called and wants to him to take her dancing so that leaves me out.  At the risk of sounding like sour grapes, the weather is pretty crappy today anyway!

At 6pm I had a coffee and slice of ham & cheese pizza at Fresco Pan.

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