Sunday, August 13, 2017

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Last night I took my sleeping pills and went to bed at 10:30.  I fell asleep rather quickly and didn’t get up during the night although I was awakened a couple times by Teresa opening or closing the window as it started or stopped raining.  I finally woke/got up at 8am.

On my way to the corner store for milk I saw 3 people standing over a red squirrel lying in the street in front of a parked car.  The only movement was its chest so you could tell it was still breathing.  I went and got my camera but when I came back it was gone.

I left the apt just after 9am, walked to Avenida Poblado and quickly caught a taxi to Sabaneta.  I found David Maddox at a table in the park.  I met David at the same location when my brother was here for a visit.  He is from Austin, Texas and had been living in Costa Rica.  He’s been in Sabaneta for a couple months getting his apartment and things set up.

We had a couple cups of coffee and at 11pm we walked to a nearby strip mall where we had lunch at Frisby.  He said he had a noon meeting so we said goodbye and I quickly caught a taxi to Parque Envigado.

In the park I played 3 games and lost all 3.  Sigh!  I stopped at the internet café where I printed out the email I received from MBE.  I also printed out a copy of the IRS form I received about my pension.

At 5pm I suggested we go to Gourmet Pizza for dinner.  Teresa was enthusiastic!

We all left the apt at 6:15 and we had our usual pizza.  This time we weren’t lucky getting seats until after some other people finished their meals.

We were back at the apt by 7:30.

I completed puzzles on Chess Magnet School for 30 minutes and progressed 12% towards the next title of Captain.

Omg.  I can’t find the business envelope I’m supposed to use to return the IRS form to my pension company so they don’t withhold for my taxes.  If they do then I have to file my taxes to get it back.  That means I also have to pay the tax accountant to file for me.  I remember ripping up an envelope and throwing it away and I can only imagine that the little envelope was inside the big envelope.

T-shirt of the day: My opinion offended you?  You should hear what I keep to myself.

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