Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014

I’ve never seen someone who sleeps as much as she does.  Nine hours was enough for me but she went about 11 hours.

For breakfast we each had a bowl of granola cereal.

Once I was surprised when she came into the bedroom from the bathroom when she heard her phone ringing.  It was right next to me and I didn’t hear a thing.  :( 

Late morning we took a Circular Sur 303 bus to San Diego CC.  I hadn’t been there in a long time; probably last time was with Reina.  Teresa wanted to see the bonzai tree exhibit and they had a lot of them.  Some were as young as 10 years old and others as old as 150 years.

We stopped at Frisby for lunch.  I had my usual Chicken Combo #2 and a Pepsi for 17,700 and she had their FriSpecial and a juice for 19,200 and a vegetable soup for 5,500.

I was surprised that they had as many bonzai trees as they had; a lot more than I used to see at the Chicago Botanical Garden.

We caught another Circular Sur 303 bus and were back at the apartment 30 minutes later.

Later we took a Circular Sur 302 bus to the other side of Calle 35 and visited her friend Ann that she has known since she was little.  She sells hats, jackets, shoes, and purses.  She had some in her apartment but the last thing Teresa needs is another hat.  :)  The jackets were beautiful and fully lined but if I understood correctly they cost about $200.  She showed me a slick brochure that I guess advertises the business.  It was in Spanish and English and while the latter was very good it wasn’t perfect.

Now that Teresa knew how close her friend lives we walked back to the apartment.

She packed up her things, including a bag of granola cereal I bought for her, and we walked to Viva and had ice cream cones at Popsy for 7mil.

Because I told her I was tired she decided to take the bus alone and I was back at my apartment by 8pm where I made some popcorn and watched the Limitless DVD with Bradley Cooper.  I set the audio to English and the subtitles to Spanish.  I wish I could set the audio a little louder but I was able to hear as long as I concentrated on it.  At the 1 hour and 15 minute mark I noticed that the audio and video were no longer in sync.  Fifteen minutes later it was okay again.  After finishing the movie I restarted it and tried, unsuccessfully, to set the audio to Spanish and the subtitles to English.  I don’t know if they are preset or if you can only choose the options once.

T-shirt of the day: I love to have dreams.

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