Friday, August 27, 2021

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Recovery Day #59!

Last night I went to bed at 10:30, fell asleep quickly, got up once at 1:30, was able to pee in the toilet instead of my AD, got caught up with my blog, returned to bed at 2:15, got up again at 4:30, changed my AD, returned to bed, finally getting up at 7:30.

Just after 9:30 I was dressing when I heard a knock on the door. Teresa answered and let some guy into the apt. I had just finished dressing as he left. I understand he gave Teresa one of her injections.

Teresa told me there would be a ride waiting for us downstairs at 10am.

We left the apt at 10am and there was a taxi waiting for us just outside the elevator.

We arrived at Torre Medica 2 in El Tesoro by 10:30. I wasn’t allowed in so I made a quick trip to the restroom then waited for her in the large waiting area.

When she came out she said everything is fine. Because of the nausea she is experiencing she is to stop taking the 3x a day pills. She thought we would return directly to the apt but I told her that doesn’t make sense as then I would have to take a taxi through the construction to Calle 7 for my 2pm eye doctor appointment. She returned to the apt and I went to the food court where I waited an hour before ordering a whopper from Burger King. The sales girl asked for my name and on the receipt she spelled it as “Teerre”. This is the first time in 18 months I got my soda from a dispenser. Those whoppers sure have shrunk – I wonder what a whopper Jr. looks like. 😊

I took a taxi to Cedimed on Calle 7 where I picked up my blood test results. My PSA is now < 0.010. I went across the street to the clinic and presented myself at 1:45 for my 2pm appointment. There was a short wait in the eye doctor’s office. It appears my vision is improving from the eye drops. 1st, if I continue the drops will it continue to improve? 2nd, when I stop taking the drops will it worsen again? We decided to delay an operation and continue with the drops and we’ll see. My next appointment will be Thursday, September 23rd at 12:30.

My taxi driver took a number of back streets to avoid Avenida Poblado and we came out on Avenida Las Vegas just before Jumbo. I was back at the apt by 2:45.

I had to help Teresa change her AD although she doesn’t have to change as often as I do.

Teresa asked me if I would go buy some soup for her from La Buena Mesa. I asked her who has soup. Then she asked me if I would pick it up from her broher’s bar. She called someone and I guess he didn’t have any as she then suggested we share an order form McDonald’s. I told her I wasn’t hungry and she said how about I order two pieces of chicken for her. I suggested I order a whole chicken from Frisby (that way I don’t have to worry about food for a while). I did and after the food left Viva Envigado, Rappi wrote “completando otra orden cerca a tu direccion”. I waited in the porteria while I watched the Rappi guy go to several places in Itagui, not exactly close to my address. He finally delivered it 53 minutes after I placed the order. Something else new the Rappi app gave me a code to give the driver when he delivers the food. I guess that’s so he doesn’t keep it for himself and claim he delivered it.

When I brought the food upstairs Teresa no longer wanted it. Later I saw her cooking something in a pressure cooker so maybe she’s making soup.

Teresa is having a rough time of it. She walks around the house burping/retching but not throwing up. She says she wants to talk to the doctor tomorrow about returning to the hospital where they will feed her and give her pain medication.

I finished reading John Grisham’s A Time for Mercy.

The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 151,441 ð 152,341 ð 156,296 new cases and 1,116 ð 1,165 ð 1,233 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday, Colombia has a total of 2,467 ð 2,448 ð 1,935 new cases with 73 ð 86 ð 93 new deaths.  Medellin has 314 ð 37 ð 318 new cases from August 25th to 26th. Envigado has 12 ð 13 ð 9 new cases from August 25th to 26th.

T-shirt of the day

Bad morning.

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