Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Recovery Day #43!

Last night I went to bed at 10:45, took a while to fall asleep, woke up at 2am (it was raining), changed my AD, watched a little TV, did a little work on the computer and returned to bed at 3am. I fell asleep quickly, waking/getting up at 7:30. The sky was still dripping a little.

I made an interesting discovery while taking my 1-minute shower. After the hot water turned cold and I turned it off, I waited about 15 seconds and turned it back on and it got hot again. I might be able to wash & rinse my whole body as long as I do it in 2 shifts.

I left the apt at 9:15 and walked to the mall. Herman didn’t have his OJ stand set up, I guess because of all the rain we had earlier this morning. I printed some chess notes, recycled a couple plastic bottles and had a café con leche at Todo Fresa.

Teresa called me at 11:30 and informed me we had no running water so she couldn’t make lunch so she asked me to pick up teriyaki chicken from Sarku’s. First I stopped in Dollar City looking for a package of 5 tab dividers for my 3-ring binder but they didn’t have them. I’ll have to check their other location in the park I stopped in Sarku’s for the chicken then returned to the apt by taxi.

I left the apt at 1:15 and walked to Parva where I had a large café con leche with a slice of carrot cake for 9,500 pesos. I reviewed my chess notes until about 3pm.

Yesterday I was kidding Teresa about how Colombians add an “ita” (or “ito”) after a lot of their words.) I stopped in Exito and bought 3 bags of milk and as usual the cashier asked me if I wanted a bolsita and I said, “si para mi lechita”. He got a chuckle out of that.

Thankfully when I returned to the apt Teresa informed me we had running water again.

The rattling rattling again under the toilet. The Play Doh I put there months (years?) ago dried out. I put the last of my Play Doh there again to silence it.

Teresa played some song that I swear reminded me of my roller-skating days. I could almost hear someone say, “ladies choice”. Lol.

Teresa wanted to play parcheesi and the first thing I did after I sat down was warn her that if she did anything to try to make me laugh I wasn’t going to play. After my first turn she rolls her dice around in her cup taunting me and I told her, “no thanks, I’m not playing.”

Late afternoon the temperature dropped and it got a little windy.

Occasionally I get a stabbing pain in my lower back. I was just getting up from my bed after my Kegel exercises when I must have twisted wrong and got that shooting pain. I had to not move for a couple minutes before I was able to stand up again. I should never have stopped taking those Calendula Flower capsules for my osteoarthritis.

It was about 9pm when Teresa pointed out to me it was raining.


The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 110,360 ð 124,470 ð 118,067 new cases and 516 ð 553 ð 607 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday, Colombia has a total of 4,350 ð 4,023 ð 3,948 new cases (the lowest number since 3/16/21) with 181 ð 143 ð 167 deaths.  Medellin has 492 ð 589 ð 291 new cases from August 9th to 10th. Envigado has 29 ð 20 ð 13 new cases from August 9th to 10th.

Joke of the day

Haircuts are great because I did none of the work but get all of the credit.

1 comment:

  1. Back pain is no picnic, Terry, I sympathize with you and I agree with you completely from my own experience. And it is why I also agree with this remark that Bette Davis once long ago made:

    "Getting old ain't no place for sissies!"
