Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021

Recovery Day #63!

Last night I went to bed at 10:45pm (still raining), fell asleep quickly, Teresa called me at 1am to let her in, still raining, made a trip to the bathroom, returned to bed, woke/got up at 5am for another trip to the bathroom, returned to bed, finally waking at 6am and getting up at 7am.

It’s obvious Esmeralda stayed overnight sleeping in Teresa’s bed. Teresa feels better this morning but she still hasn’t eaten anything so we’ll see.

For breakfast, the ladies made scrambled eggs and a croissant for me, arepas for them. Teresa had a small plate of a few scrambled eggs and a corner of an arepa. She had a single bite of the eggs and didn’t feel like eating anything more. Now she’s taking a nap. Hopefully she won’t be retching later and can eat some more.

Esmeralda brought lunch from La Bahia. Teresa ate some of the soup and a few bites of salad.

Teresa stayed in bed the rest of the day. Didn’t eat anything more. Occasional retching but not as bad as the other day.

I texted Dr. Sierra that Teresa still isn’t eating and would rather stay in the hospital where they can care for her until she’s well enough to eat.

Esmeralda arrived at 7:30. We took Teresa’s temperature, but it was normal. Esmeralda got Teresa up and walking a little but still not eating anything.

I don’t know what time it started raining in the evening, but it was still drizzling when I went to bed.


The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 156,145 ð 156,885 ð 158,946 new cases and 1,280 ð 1,295 ð 1,348 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday, Colombia has a total of 2,141 ð 1,954 ð 2,006 new cases with 95 ð 68 ð 72 new deaths.  Medellin has 288 ð 302 ð 121 new cases from August 29th to 30th. Envigado has 12 ð 5 ð 10 new cases from August 29th to 30th.

T-shirt of the day

The only thing constant in life is change.

1 comment:

  1. Terry, thoughts and prayers are with Teresa and you. Hope all gets better quickly.
    Jack Williams
