Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Last night I went to bed at 10pm, fell asleep quickly, got up once during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

I ordered a Didi car but after they accepted then dropped me, I cancelled the ride by restarting my cellphone and switched to InDrive. It cost 15mil and I arrived at Unicentro a few minutes after 8am where Jose was waiting for me.  Parmessano didn’t have French toast today so we each got an egg skillet. I told him about our Cartagena challenges. I showed him the photos of the chess club Los Peones and he commented that we visited it years ago. We both admitted to being pretty tired when we play 2 long games. Along with a latte my breakfast came to 27,533 ($7), including tip.

We moved to the food court where I had the Black pieces and I messed up the opening but despite being down a rook and a pawn I held on for 48 moves before resigning.

I had the White pieces in the second game and I sacrificed a knight early and checkmated him on the 17th move.

It was only 1pm so at J&C Delicias I ordered a Cesar salad with chicken and a mango juice for 43,800 pesos. I ordered a Didi to return me to the apt for 14,300 pesos.

I finally gave up and paid Microsoft $19.99 (yearly fee) for 100GB of Cloud storage. They replied, “Thank you for subscribing to Microsoft 365!”. I’m now using 61.1GB of the 100GB. Not sure how I paid for it as they didn’t ask me for any billing information. A later email said they’re charging it to my USAA debit card.

Soon I should be able to get caught up on adding photos to my blog again.




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