Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

Quiet day.  I thought we were going to explore the neighborhood a little bit. Instead we spent most of the day at home.   

About 2:30 we walked about 2 blocks to a neighborhood park and met her Aunt Gloria, cousin Angela, and Angela’s daughter Marcela, and Marcela’s 8th month old baby Maria Antonia.  They followed us back to the apartment so they could see it.  They stayed about 3 ½ hours because it started raining just when they were about to leave.  So they had to wait until Marcela’s husband got off work so he could pick them up.  

After they left we walked down about 2 blocks to a small pharmacy and Reina picked up some medication.  Then we walked another block to a small grocery store and she picked up some bananas and another package of arepas.

Boy did I get a nice surprise when I checked my emails tonight.  The Operations Coordinator from Shedrain, the umbrella company, apologized for their umbrella not working and said if I sent her the Model# and color of the umbrella and my address, she would send me a new one.  Wow, was that nice!

Regarding suicide showers
I don’t have one of these at the apartment but back when we were at Aunt Helen’s apartment.  The nice thing is when you turn the water on it’s instantly at the correct temperature (that’s why there is only one knob for cold water).  So what I learned to do is get myself completely wet, turn off the water, soap myself down (or is it up? Isn’t English fun? Lol), and then turn the water back on for the rinse.  I believe they refer to that as a military shower.  Anyway, again, you could conserve water and save money.

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