Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Last night I went to bed at 11pm, took a little while to fall asleep, got up twice during the night, finally waking/getting up at 6:30.

I had my usual breakfast at El Comedor de Chava.  Harry was there and told me he isn’t available this afternoon for me to help him with his computer.  I got a call from Dario: tonight is the last night of the chess tournament and I am playing in the championship game at 7pm.

Most of my Spanish class consisted of Jhon talking in Spanish and asking me to interpret.  In some cases I was asked to create sentences.

In was raining when I came out.  It’s been overcast all day and it looked like it was just a matter of time.

Back at my apartment I had an email from my dentist.  He had a cancellation and my appointment is moved up to 4pm so it should be easier to get to the chess tournament on time.

I’ve been trading notes with Marcela, the young lady next door.  I invited her to play chess with me tomorrow night at 7pm but she can’t make it.  She counter offered to meet Friday night at 7pm and I accepted.  I invited her to come to my apartment to play on my new chess table.

I had a late lunch at 2pm; a ham sandwich with a cold glass of milk!  Yummy.

I left the apartment at 2:45, bought a small bottle of water at the corner store, took my Amoxycillin at 3pm while on a Circular Sur 302 bus, and get to my dentist’s at 3:45.

I told him about my reading about Pulpitis on the internet and he told me what I have is Pulp Necrosis.  Per Wikipedia “Necrotic pulp is a finding in dentistry to describe dental pulp within a tooth which has become necrotic. It is a finding of interest to dentists as the process of pulp death may be painful causing a toothache.  Treatment usually involves endodontics or extraction.”
Next, Endodontics is the dental specialty concerned with the study and treatment of the dental pulp. Endodontists perform a variety of procedures including endodontic therapy (commonly known as "root canal therapy"), endodontic retreatment, surgery, treating cracked teeth, and treating dental trauma. Root canal therapy is one of the most common procedures. If the dental pulp (containing nerves, arterioles, venules, lymphatic tissue, and fibrous tissue) becomes diseased or injured, endodontic treatment is required to save the tooth.

He said I shouldn’t need any pain killers as he was 99.9% sure that the nerve was dead.  I didn’t feel any pain besides the pressure of his fingers on an already tender area of my gum.  At one point he showed me this little brush that he was inserting in the whole to clean it and it went in a good inch.  I gave his assistant 100mil towards his services.  Part 2 is scheduled for next Monday at 5:30pm.

As I was walking down the hill to catch a bus back I saw an old lady (the same one I saw on my way up) juggling 2 balls in the middle of the street for coins.  Some retirement plan they have here!

On my way back from the bus I read the sign on the store that sells the “cane” chairs.  It said “Mimbre y Rattan” which translates to “Wicker and Rattan”.  Maybe it’s wicker chairs I’m looking for, not cane chairs.
I need to lose a few pounds so I’m just going to take a package of crackers with me to the tournament game.

T-shirt of the day: Hit the road.

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