Friday, July 2, 2021

Thursday, July 1, 2021

Recovery Day #3!

Last night I went to bed at 10am, fell asleep quickly but woke up at 3am and got up at 3:30.

I emptied 1200CCs of urine into the toilet then did some work on the computer.

I was winning another game against Troyclough but now he’s on vacation, so my game is pending.

Finally at 4:15 I took my first dump since last Sunday. It was a little strange/awkward sitting on the toilet with my penis outside the toilet bowl but I got the job done and feel much better for it.

I went back to bed at 5am and slept until 6:30.

I encouraged Teresa to go to her gym class and she left at 7am.

Troyclough is back from vacation so I guess he just needed a little delay. I still feel confident I’m winning our game.

I’m getting up and down and around better. Still a little discomfort when sitting down and standing up from a straight back chair but I’m getting there.

Teresa made me this ginormous lunch like she used to do before. I ate a little more than half and she saran wrapped the rest for me to eat later. I had an hour nap after lunch.

For supper I finished my lunch.

I went to bed at 10pm.


The New York Times’ 7-day average of new daily infections and deaths has the US with 11,534 ð 11,466 ð 12,809 new cases and 272 ð 256 ð 262 new deaths.

Per Medellin Guru, as of yesterday Colombia has a total of 4,213,074 ð 4,240,982 ð 4,269,297 new cases with 105,934 ð 106,544 ð 107,137 deaths.  Medellin has 351,654 ð 353,571 ð 355,226 cases, an increase of 1,652 cases from June 30th to July 1st. Envigado has a total of 27,100 cases, an increase of 56 from June 30th to July 1st.


T-shirt of the day

End plastic waste.


  1. Congrats! Terry. Looks like your procedure was successful and thaat you are on the path to recovery. Given aother few days you should improve signiificantly.

    Thanx for the rundown on this medical procedure as done in Medellín. All very useful info to compare against similar ones (and prices) beween Medellín and Costa Rica, or in Florida, for that matter.

    Cheers & ¡Salud!

    Paul M.

  2. Glad to hear all went well. Super glad to hear about the nerve bundle thing, I did not know that was a possibility. You are a lucky man to have a wife that will fight for you to have towels and soap in your hospital room!!!! Let her know your readers appreciate her taking care of you.
