Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Last night I went to bed at 11pm, fell asleep quickly, woke up briefly at 6am, finally waking/getting up at 7am.   Wow, 8 hours; if I could only figure out how to do that every night.

My back feels good also.  I’m hoping that will continue.

Teresa left for some type of tube repair work at the finca.

I met Jooks at Carbon de Leña at 9:30 where I gave him some advice regarding problems he’s having with health insurance and his apartment.  Mostly I just referred him to Jeff Paschke who hopefully can point him in the right direction.  On the way back to the apt I saw a new steakhouse – Emilia’s? – has opened on the side street in La Buena Mesa.  And there is some construction going on next door so it will be interesting to see what that turns out to be.

I was back at the apt just before noon for my NFL games.

I was waiting for the beginning of the Bears game but they delayed switching until the end of the Chiefs vs Lions game so I missed the first 6 minutes of my game.  I saw Chase Daniel quarterbacking and soon learned that Mitch Trubisky got injured early in the game.  Yikes!

Surprisingly, the Bears were ahead of the Vikings 10-0 at halftime.  Keep it up guys!

The Bears won 16-6 so now they are tied with the Packers for first place at 3-1.

Teresa returned at 7:15 with news about the finca.  First, the man who has been cutting the garden (actually cutting back the jungle) won’t be able to do it anymore.  But another man said he would do it for 100mil a month plus keeping the finca clean and other perform other minor duties.  The only catch is we have to buy a “lawn trimmer” or whatever the correct term is.  Teresa also found a man who may be interested in exchanging his apt in La Estrella for the finca.  I think an apt in La Estrella would be easier to rent than the finca.  It would be nice to have some extra cash to do some traveling.

I spent a good part of the day, when I wasn’t watching NFL, reviewing and updating my chess notes.

7,575 steps today.

Joke of the day
A science teacher asked her students "Children, if you could own one mineral, what would it be? 
One boy said, "I would choose gold. It’s worth lots of money and I could buy a Corvette." 
Another boy said, "I would want platinum because it’s worth more than gold and I could buy a Porsche." 
The teacher said, "Johnny, What would you want? 
Johnny said, "I would want silicone." 
"Why would you want silicone?" Asked the teacher 
"Well, my mom got some”, he replied, “and there's always a Porsche or Corvette sitting in our driveway.”

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