Friday, October 25, 2019

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Last night I went to bed at 10:45, got up once during the night, again at 6am, finally getting up at 6:45.

According to my balcony thermometer we have 100% humidity.

When I moved to Medellin in 2013 I brought a coffee mug with me that I had used at work.  It’s metal with a sealed lid and a rubber bottom.  A couple times in the past 6 years the rubber bottom has fallen off and I’ve had to superglue it back on.  The last few weeks I’ve been slowly scraping the old glue off the rubber and last night I glued it back on.  So far it seems to be holding up well.

Teresa left at 10am for her gym class.

At noon I started watching First Man (7.3) on Direct TV.  About 45 minutes into it Teresa called me to join her for lunch.  Outside the porteria a young man was handing out flyers.  I was about to tell him I can’t vote when I noticed the Pizza Hut logo.  He told me that there is now a Pizza Hut on the 1st floor of the Jumbo grocery store on Avenida Las Vegas (Carrera 48 #25 Sur-136).  The coupon is for a regular 6 slice pizza (probably medium), a pack of Hut Poppers (whatever they are) and a 400ml soda for 19,900.  (Btw, I understand the election is next Sunday.  When I am King all US elections will be held on Sundays for the convenience of working Americans.)

I met Teresa at DoSabores where we had the menu of the day for 33mil.  We took a taxi to Mayorista and once inside the entrance there was a long line of trucks apparently waiting to exit (or else it was some type of protest?).  It took about 5 minutes to get through that to Euro.  As soon as I entered I saw pumpkins for sale but they were too small to make into a Jack-o-lantern.  I started helping Teresa by bringing things to the cart but she kept telling me we already had it back in the apt.  I gave up and went outside for a cafĂ© con leche.

I texted Juan Carlos, the International chess Master, and made plans to meet him at Parva next Sunday afternoon at 4pm.

Teresa found Diego, the driver we’ve used before, to take us back to the apt.

I watched some Thursday night football when Teresa wasn’t watching one of her programs.

4,096 steps today.

Joke of the day
An elderly man and woman meet in a bar and get to talking.  They are enjoying their conversation so much that, when the bar closes, they decide to continue at the woman's apartment.
After a time, things start getting pretty romantic and they wind up in bed. Afterward, they're both lying there, staring at the ceiling.
The old man is thinking... "Gosh, if I had known she was a virgin, I would have been more careful with her."
The old lady is thinking... "Geez, if I had known he could get it up, I would have taken off my panties."


  1. one drop of Elmer's rubber cement should fix mug for about ten years. (Chuck knows as contact cement)
    I look forward to coming back.

  2. I don't have that but maybe it's in town somewhere. The superglue I'm using seems to work well for a couple years.
